
Now it seems borderline quaint.

You know, I would lightly main someone to see Firth play a supervillain. That could be either profoundly epic, stupid, or possibly both.

Why Miss Braddock, the purple hair is somewhat outré, and yet becoming on a lady of your Ninjutsu breeding.

'Definitely' or 'absobloodylutely' is what needs to go there.

I understand ego up to a point, but thinking your ego can come out on top of Donald Trump's incompetence is the belief of a fucking maniacs.

The real question is why in the name of Xenu she would want the job?
Personally I think I'd rather cover myself in chocolate sauce and roll through an ants nest.

If you're the kind of person who likes to obsessively empty rooms of anything that might be useful and explore everywhere in RPGs then it's very good. Thankfully, I am one of those people.

And people can smoke again because they have super reliable anti-cancer tablets.

Company store bondsman

And Keith David gives a very restrained performance, which is a rare enough sight to keep my eyes on him.

I hadn't looked up which character he's playing since I'm something of a Karnak obsessive right now, but your point is well made.

I'm also not surprised that the single Asian guy in this is of course the martial arts master. Although I doubt he's going to be as batshit crazy as current Karnak.

I feel compelled to add that even third place cosplayers would have done a much better job.
Also, much as I love Lily Munster, stealing her look's not going to cut it on an arse kicking, meta-haired superhero like Medusa.

I'm curious if Mr Walsh considers himself a Christian, because he seems to have radically misinterpreted the whole "suffer the little children" bit.

And probably a Confederate flag tattoo somewhere.

But he's a stupid sociopath, which makes it oh so much worse and embarrassing for the country.

I hope someone reads him the dark tower books so his head will explode when he realizes that they've basically cast Idris as the Ur-Clint Eastwood

Excellent question. After repeated reads, I hope so.

I mean, I know it's early fifties but I had to look up the exact dates. If Trump can get the right decade I'll be surprised.