
God I hope they make some version of that joke. Also really hoping Luke is in IF2 a lot.

The YouTube vault dweller, if you will.

I figure lots of them are going to end up in dumpsters, but there's probably only one good book to come from it.

One of these social media stars is going to end up bankrupt, living in a dumpster, selling their blood (or other bodily favors) and then have a really good book written about their catastrophic life. Before they find Xenu and end up selling used Fords on local TV commercials.

I'm just catching up on these, but I thought the same thing. That sequence in the books gives me the fucking shivers.

Really, just expand his part and call it "Lockjaw and friends."

I hope the landlord kicks him out on his ass.

Yes! Very much looking forward to it.

God I hope so. Although for all that he's a fucking lunatic, it really takes a genius like Kojima to think up photosynthetic tits.

Poor people.

It's the circle of strife. I feel similar.

Waiting for the comment explaining that the Nazis had socialist in their name and that's why they were evil.

Hunting Richard Spencer clones who clutch their pearls at the sight of a person of color through some kind of urban hellscape could make for the greatest game ever.

I'm thinking of a facial tattoo, or maybe just a pin.

You're going to be the Coco Chanel of cannibalism and drinking your own filtered urine, I can tell.

Don't forget to throw in those mighty scions of the Dynasty of Ducks.

I'm really looking forward to my spiky shoulder pad and fingerless gloves combo. Throw in some leather pants and a mohawk and I'm going to be killing that post apocalyptic couture.

Only if it's self powered and armored. Otherwise you're probably going to wake up in 50-100 years to find some feral human gently roasting slices of you, the way things are going.

They're verified to be assholes?

I think it is. Amazing.