
Or a gold plated Rascal mobility scooter with a MAGA bumper sticker.

The difference is, it's not just him who's miserable now.

And people who speak languages other than English. And probably Brits with accents too.

As always seems to be the answer to one of Trump's questions, the answer is FUCKING EVERYBODY

I'd be surprised if he could point to Korea on a map

Maybe he's talking about golf carts?

For c*ssing?


Judging by the comments so far, this is going to cause blinding rage, but it's a viable source on this linguistic subject.

Fightin talk there fren, smol doggos give h*ckin great snoot boops.

Sure, let's say that.

I don't disagree. But the thought of these people never being to create any more children is a joy to me.

Geena Davis made me sweat with lust back in the day, when they were married they must have been the seductive height of any room, anywhere.

Sausages are cooked on a grill, Snags are cooked on a Barbie, so you can make a decent sanga.

I saw some different photos of this, and every woman in shot was giving him the "even though he's older than my dad, I still would" look.

I think Keanu in Parenthood was right, being a parent should be a licenced activity.

That guy has a face you would never tire of smacking.

Peter Serafinowicz is one of the funniest guys alive. For those who know who Terry Wogan was, go listen to this: https://youtu.be/GcfLzuBQADs
The closest explanation I can give is, imagine if Alex Trebek ran a pirate radio program about nothing but his love for hardcore rap music.

First they came for the passengers and I did not speak out…

I can't believe I'd forgotten it was a Quimby line. Thanks.