
As a fairly long term reader but only a recent commenter, where did 'it can be two things' come from?

Are they the ones who make that delicious nozzieberry candy for Willum Wanka?

So it's basically like bunuel sketches on vaguely Batman related subjects now? I stopped watching about halfway through season 2.

Presumably it would actually be called Thanos and the giggling death gauntlet for the Avengers.

Blue Steel is a technique, not a name!

Jason seems to be giving us his best blue steel look in that header picture.

I could see them doing Secret Wars, in some Thanosian hell dimension or planet.

And stuff like this is why I occasionally indulge in graphic novels, but never even attempt to follow ongoing comic books now.

That's ™ Red Bull.

"The Seven Dwarfs of Auschwitz"

I think you could make an argument for either.

Even Prostetnic Jeltz might think he's going a bit far.

That was original Blade, not the second.

At least mucus serves a useful function.

Bannon makes me wonder how many undocumented migrants are hiding out in the two or three counties that make up his liquor cabinet.

Like I said somewhere else. If there's a list of incredibly destructive weapons that haven't been used outside of testing yet, someone​ hide it RIGHT NOW please.

Knuckle tattoos would probably be cheaper.

But their WoW clan mates are gifted at nasty emails and doxing.

And stock in super boots goes down radically.