
"this was a triumph"

Shouldn't that be Focusgruppen?

They're kind of old now, but David Niven's books are fun.

Kadara I liked, all those weird little valleys. Other than the semi shattered planet you​ go to for Vetra's loyalty mission I wasn't really that interested by the planet design though. Personally, more adventures on ruined ships, stations with zero-g or no atmosphere would have been more interesting.

Apparently this whole year is being brought to you by Godwin's law and the letters WTF.

I hated that planet. Miles and Miles of nothing but goddamn dunes.
Plus, we only get one planet that has weather on it? That was bullshit.

Also I should have mentioned the pictures of them on safari make me grind my teeth in rage.

I'd be happy to see that too, but something about the shit eating grins of those kids makes me want to see them humbled.

Seeing one of the Trump kids in prison issue orange, or cuffs, would do it for me.

Witcher 3 runs a very close second to RDR for me. It's one of the few games I've ever played where I wanted to play it to find out what the next story was going to be. Whether it was a brief letter on a corpse or the main quest, the story telling was just perfect.
I'm finding myself drawn to games like Dishonored and

I played a Vanguard build, so shotguns and pistols worked great for me at my preferred range, usually three feet or closer. Iirc from the earlier games though, if you want to chop through a shield you want something automatic, no shield you can use whatever you want, yellow health bar you need explosives, fire, or

I'm starting to think when it comes to open world games, they certainly do a good job of feeding my addiction (a map covered in ? symbols is catnip.) But as someone sort of referred to elsewhere here, the joy is either leaving them, or their formula is getting tired for me.
I'm looking forward to Red Dead 2, because

97% for me. I got severely tired of random tasks, but I completed every other quest.
I think I need to play something less absorbing now, my gaming brain feels kind of overloaded.

Are you remembering to upgrade your weapons regularly, including the mods? I could kill most cannon fodder in two or three body shots, max.

Yeah, I popped the Terminator trophy for 2000 kills by about halfway through. My Ryder makes cholera look like a piker.


I liked the combat a lot (although when I got to level forty or so it became largely trivial except for mini bosses and architects).
The plot just left me largely unmoved, apart from the Salarian ark, which was pleasantly creepy.

Nothing irritated me more than the controller vibrating and then spending a minute looking for my research subject to scan.
In effect, the research is giving us four different kinds of currency and it pissed me off intensely.

Plus, I didn't get to shoot him in the face. Which was a catharsis I badly wanted by that point.

"They’re complex in ways that people don’t fully understand. They weren’t disasters."