
I thought that's what Fox news was?

Eating at the Y occasionally would do all zealots the world of good.

If they took away the very literal skull makeup and really let him loose, I would love to see Weaving chew the scenery as the Immortal Nazi red skull.
Sadly they'd never do it, because (much as I like the guy) it would reveal Chris Evans as completely out of his acting depth.

Now it went down to D for blasphemy in the comments.

And Bruce Lee was 5' 7" but I wouldn't spill his pint either.

Because he doesn't know what color the boathouse is at Hear-Ford. Which never fails to annoy me.

As it was, it was merely a train inconvenience that annoyed people.

Making Christopher Eccleston forgettable is some kind of dark miracle. He should have made Loki look like a naughty toddler.

That was my guess.

Maybe he tracked down Stick to complete his training. Since it only takes a couple of months to become a world class fighter in TVland.

I'll have to watch it on demand or see if it's on Hulu, thanks!

I enjoyed the first season of Into the Badlands a lot. I gave up on TWD years ago, because it's tedious as hell.
K'un lun was the most missed character in this show by a mile.

It wasn't that bad as mindless TV. As a story about Iron Fist the character it was pretty bad.

Ward growling about how he doesn't want a mojito because he's in recovery would make the whole thing worth the effort.

Well they allegedly only just started filming, so there's a bit of a wait yet.

The people behind Banshee should have done the fight scenes (at least) for Iron Fist.
Or Job should just be given a big role in everything, not totally wasted like he was in IF.

He'd probably still be wearing it if he had finished his training with Stick.

I'd already seen them, and they are exactly the kind of fast moving pulp fiction IF should have been. Great fun.

As a superhero story it's very average. As an Iron Fist story it's a massive list of pissed away opportunities.

Came straight from court I guess. One good thing about the comic's spandex costume, it would fit in a legal briefcase.