
I'd watch a one off where those three (and maybe Foggy) drink and complain about how insane their friends are making their lives.

The best thing about Iron Fist was it convinced me to get hold of seasons three and four of Banshee. Tom Pelphrey is killing it.
Colleen Wing and Claire Temple were fine, but they were involved in too many scenes that apparently came from the monkey's typewriter.
Edit: have to wonder if the 'crackpot scientist seems

Yup, going straight from Danny getting his company back to Orson Randall calling him an idiot would have made that show. Although a less than miniscule budget and an excellent fight choreographer would have been necessary too.

One last thought about this show. Someone suggested way back in the comments that Danny's fighting style should be block/dodge/strike, and I agree, it's perfect for how good Danny's supposed to be.
I can understand how that needs to be tweaked for a TV show, that's fine, but that last strike should be vicious and

Talking about Skyrim, the thieves guild sub quest (I had to look it up) where you have to commit 24 separate burglaries, then steal a crown in order to get the perk that makes more or less everyone carry gems in their pockets is an egregious example of this. I ended up with enough god damn precious stones to make a

I'll admit the collection thing tickles my OCD up to a point, but I really do love plot heavy games. I've only played ME:A up to my first loyalty mission but it was by far one of the best moments.
If someone can come up with a way to procedurally generate collectibles that come with plot scenes it will almost

I vividly remember knocking my brains out collecting random packages in GTA vice City.

Khajit has drugs if you have coin.

Well, they can't have a solo dinner with women other than their wives, so presumably bikinis are a major step towards damnation.

He's given them a slapping a time or two I think, but I don't believe he's ever had any kind of Hand nemesis.

If they'd said 'oh yeah Iron Fist has crossed swords with the Hand before and they never get on' then fine, but yeah this was nonsense.

I agree, so I'm assuming the budget was about ten dollars a day.

I was really hoping to see some of the new, 'satanic' Karnak in that show too. Now I have zero interest.

Since they didn't show Shou Lao, as far as I'm concerned this barely made it to origin story.

Luke can be drowned, gassed, poisoned or shot with a powerful enough weapon. Not sure how he'd react to an energy weapon either. Still plenty of possibilities!

Agreed. As soon as word gets around people will definitely be bringing her weird shit anyway, so they should just go with it. Make her do low rent Agent of shield stuff where the Kree (or whatever) shapeshifter just wants to live peacefully and keep the INS off his back. I'd watch the hell out of that.

Budget, apparently.

Or "Leopard Blow (job)"

I shuddered visibly at the very thought.