
I think it's kind of more in keeping with the show that he gets what he wants and then has no clue what to do with it. See also, billion dollar Rand corporation.
That doesn't make it any more interesting to watch though.


One more reason why making Lei Kung the wispy ghost he's been appearing as (especially when you have an actor of Hoon Lee's quality) was a spectacularly terrible idea. Full on flashbacks of Danny's training would have been much better. And given a much more rounded portrayal, this Danny is coming across as borderline

I have lots of feelings about this show's version of the new guy but I'm going to save them until the end so I don't end up typing five hundred words inside spoiler tags. Suffice to say I'm not a fan.

And how exactly did they get a tied up, elderly Asian lady through customs and immigration?

This won't be a surprise after this episode, but as per the comics there's a lot more you can do with the Iron Fist. Danny just has no idea because he's Danny.

I meant to say Marvel Comics universe, but I was clearly having a stupid moment.

I've heard the anagram theory, but I suspect they're just nonsense terms that are meant to sound like Kung Fu. The comics had a weakness for that too.

I'd watch him fight a giant rabbit any day.

Calm down, June Cleaver.

I'm not averse to Danny still having intense problems with it, just didn't need to sit though the plane scene yet again. And that weird graphic they use to convey his suffering memories just makes it look like his teleporter is on the fritz.

All good dogs Bront.

If they don't put the 'are you Satan?' line in the Inhuman show then I'm not watching it.

Maybe after MCU Danny Rand got through slapping the stupid out of him.

Karnak would be fantastic. As long as they steal absolutely everything Warren Ellis brought to the title, of course.

I'm pretty sure that's the only reason Claire got dragged to China.

I love that comic, but yeah.
Need to look up whether Danny and snaggletooth ever had a rematch now they've both had power upgrades.

Considering the loopy shit this show has done with the original story that's possible.
It's not like Danny has shown any great forward planning abilities so far.

'Fear leads to Allen wrenches and skinned knuckles'

Maybe her porn is really big there.