
I look forward to seeing Tiger's Beautiful daughter, which might be the cheesiest name ever in a comic.

Clearly I'm going to have to find out if my vanguard can do a biotic charge from midair then. Which should be interesting.

They only work as strippers to pay for college when they turn a hundred years old or so.

I haven't played the multiplayer yet, but are the cover mechanics the same as single player? Because that is absolutely crap. I want to snap in and out of cover like me2, not look down at my UI to see if some goddamn shield icon has appeared.

I always play women with short hair in Bioware games as a nod to my first Shephard. Every one of my first attempts came out looking about sixteen when she talked, until I found one I could just about live with

I haven't meddled with the research and development system much yet, but it looks horribly annoying. After playing Witcher 3s dlc recently to get my grandmaster armor/achievement I am heartily sick of complex crafting systems tbh, I kind of want to go back to shoot critters, get money, buy bigger gun.

I like that concept. At least when it comes to unnamed thugs Danny should totally be Dodge/strike as needed then one strike.

If they make the Prince of Orphans or Fat Cobra a cameo I'm giving up on this show entirely.

The consensus seems to be that they just didn't have the budget. But as I've said before, if they'd halved the number of shows and put all the K'un lun in it needs it would have been a much better show.

I get that too, but it doesn't comfort me much when it's such an integral part of what makes the character interesting. As it is, he's just coming across as hipster Batman.

You mentioned something similar the other day and I totally agree. I went back and watched it again after finding out it was Hoon Lee, and was amazed at how they wasted him.

There's nothing even close, which infuriates me and wastes a lot of the best things about the character.

K'un lun is a city, with a rather large martial arts monastery attached.

Two things for the comics fans about this episode.
The title immediately makes me think I'm going to see something about Shou Lao the undying (the source of Danny's powers, non readers) only to be a big disappointment.
The Bride of Nine Spiders immediately made me think the Immortal Iron Fist storyline was about to

Totally random question, how did Danny keep that iPod charged and alive for fifteen years, anyway?

Okay, I'd watch that.

Well if we take Batman as an example, maybe he should go around beating up pilots?

In which case they could easily have said it was in Wyoming, or somewhere similar.

I want Orson too, really soon.

I really want to see fat cobra at some point.