
I kind of wish they'd put up a spoiler space for binge watch shows, because I have a great many feelings about the ending.

Putting the Shou Lao brand in instead of muscles would have destroyed the flowing chi of my rant.

The lack of K'un lun in this show is what degrades it from being an Iron Fist story, to yet another (Arrow/Batman/ Tarzan) I-Spent-my-gap-year-in-hell-and-only-came-back-with these-deadly-skills-and-amazing-muscles trope

I'm pretty sure that the only deal breaker for my wife, would be if I genuinely disliked or was uninterested in music. That would be a deeply alien thing to her, even though we have great differences in our pop culture tastes otherwise.

Absolutely. There's a hint in one of the comics iirc that Kun Lun will take in people to absorb new ideas (and maybe to prevent inbreeding) so, if he was confused by an iPhone? Fine. Kun Lun might be a quasi medieval society, but they're still people, not Klingons.

I'm on episode 11, and I'm largely enjoying it, but I will never miss the chance to pick holes in a show where the first two shows were that bad. And I'm a big fan of the comic, and I think they pissed away a lot of the things that make that version of Iron Fist a great character.
Honestly, if someone had sat down and

I'd have forgiven them if they'd hired someone for martial arts skills, but he doesn't have that either.
Why he always has to stare down at his iron fist as it manifests like he's checking his phone…it's just terrible acting

Now that could've worked.

Indeed it is!

I just watched the whole of IOB on Netflix and you're right, the fight sequences are way superior. Clearly the next season of Iron Fist needs to steal some of their experts.

I'm on episode 6 now, and the way they're doing it just makes Danny seem like he has serious mental illness more than ever.

The Hand probably tried to steal the dragon so they could make magic ninjas. K'un L'un seem like they'd hold a grudge for that.

IIRC in the comics they're called the chaste, don't know whether that was ever referred to in netflix DD.

This show could have used a big bloody shot of that, for sure.

I'm only five episodes in, but I'm totally expecting to see the room with the shackles set in the wall of his secret lair at some point.

I'm actually kind of wondering what the hell they spent the budget on? I mean the Iron Fist effect is basically a high power flashlight being shone through his hand, so it can't be that.

The way Danny keeps telling me about things that the comics would have shown me is annoying the fuck out of me.
If Danny mentions Lei-Kung the thunderer and then I don't see him it's hellish unsatisfying.

If they're going to steal from the comics (I'm not that far in yet) you can barely turn over a rock in the Marvel universe without finding a martial arts oriented secret society/city/family, so I guess there's no way they all know each other.

The Hatchet fight in a later episode was the first one with Jones I thought was decent. It's definitely starting to improve.

What if we got to see Agents of SHIELD filling in their time-sheets, expenses forms, and doing Starbucks runs?