
Honestly, seeing Iron Fist without Lei Kung, or the city, or the dragon is basically taking everything fun away from the character. And when the martial arts are considerably inferior to Into the Badlands I'm really only watching for curiosity's sake.

So it's a damn shame he didn't!

Danny looking like a college student who did a gap year in Asia and ran out of money is just destroying my immersion every time.

The whole sequence where stoned Danny casually spills the beans on Iron Fist/super secret ninjas/trans-dimensional magic cities, might be the worst thing I've seen in any of these Marvel shows. And is it just me or have all the K'un L'un flashbacks (barring the plane crash) been uniformly terrible?

Yeah, I expressed myself poorly. By martial arts I meant fighting systems that have rules. Characters will take up set stances and so on. Hood always looks like a guy who is just fighting for survival and will use any method, weapon or dirty trick that comes to hand. I really admire the fighting in Banshee, it looks

I never thought of the fighting in Banshee as martial arts (with the exception of the ex-Amish lunatic who's name I forget) more a screen version of krav maga/street fighting or similar. I totally agree with your assessment of the quality though.

But same editor, so not far off.

Especially when the fight scenes in Daredevil were so good. Maybe they neglected to use a really good fight choreographer?

My problem is (and I haven't even seen the trailers) a lot of the problems they mention are actual plot. For instance, endless boardroom battles while Danny looks bewildered interest me not at all. I also looked up clips of Jones when he was cast, and he appears to have less acting ability than an anesthetized golden

I am planning on watching the first few while enjoying a few cans of cider on Friday. If I fall asleep in my chair then it's a clear sign to just give up.

Witcher 3 is the only game where even though I've finished it, and the dlc, I want to go back to Skellige and explore all the little '?' symbols. Even though they will almost certainly be no challenge, I want to see those little side stories.

Oxymoronic even.

Full disclosure: I had to look it up, so clearly it's been way too long since I read the book.

ONCE THERE WERE FOUR CHILDREN whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. And then the murders began.

Hotblack Desiato wishes he was Bowie

Finally saw Doctor Strange, and found it largely meh. I thought the credits scenes with Thor and the return of Mordo were the most enjoyable parts of the whole thing. I'm hoping it's just origin story blues and not the start of Marvel just giving up on character development entirely.

Don't have the patience, sadly.

Having my erection punctuated sounds like good reason to cover it in thick plush nylon, as a defensive measure.

The thought of Trump/Spicer yiff fiction or cartoons fills me with about equal joy and horror.

"Size of the chance you poor people survive my presidency unless you learn obedience"