
I only torrent stuff when I don't care if there's going to be more made, or when it's completed so that's a moot point.

Have they said how many episodes there are going to be? I might actually have to pay for this as I've already had my free trial on Amazon.

Huh, I didn't even think about getting straight out murder-y.

I don't always do all the quests, and I purely hate random collectables like the ones you mentioned. But the presence of all the ? Symbols on my Witcher map makes me crazy.
The moment when I go over a ridge and get that 'what the fuck is that critter/building/natural phenomena' is mostly the thing that keeps me going

The fact that I couldn't kill the monster AND the religious lunatic was the only bad thing about that quest.

One of the other things I really love about Witcher 3 is you can complete a quest, while more or less completely fucking it up. Anyone who's done the spirit in a tree quest from B &W or the higher vampire quest in Novigrad will know what I mean.

I'm actually playing the dlc now after finishing the main game a year or so ago.
They are excellent, but it took me a bloody long time to remember the intricacies of the inventory and crafts system. I've also spent an almost unbelievable amount of virtual money (and time) trying to put my full set of grandmaster

I love everything about W3, apart from that God damned inventory and crafting system. I really have no interest in paying a blacksmith to forge my own ingots, thanks.

Assuming at that point your cat hasn't mutated into something 15 feet long with radioactive claws and a burning desire for a conversation about missing genital parts.

It's been said before, but Fallout is looking less like a game and more like a training simulator for the years to come every day.

It's worth it. I saw Dredd first, but they're both fantastic movies.

That reads like it was written either in a rage after about six beers, or some pretty good speed. Either way, the spectre of Hunter S Thompson was in it, and I enjoyed it immensely.

Animated Disney movies. I've seen half or two thirds of a few of them and they leave me wanting to throw things at the screen. I don't think I've seen a single one all the way through and I don't want to.

Probably Canadian bears anyway.

Still playing the Witcher 3 dlc, still really enjoying it.
Considering picking up the Bethesda version of Doom next week for a change of pace now I can pick it up cheap.

He needs some skulls on his uniform.

Nope. It goes best with sharp cheddar, Tillamook for preference. Cream cheese is for weaklings.

My Own Private Idahope is fulfilled, that it doesn't suck.

I think I just visibly squirmed at that mental image.

It is, but states rights!