
I'm really hoping they catch him coming out of a dispensary in a legal weed state. I mean it's legal, and if anyone worked hardest for the right to a good long relax it's Obama. Plus, it would probably cause literal apoplexy in a bunch of Fox talking heads.

"Baby cart at the river Styx" might be the greatest title ever, perhaps especially if you don't know the context.

Watching Elementary on Hulu and I'm kind of meh about it. I can't decide whether that's because Cumberbatch is now fixed as Sherlock in my head, or whether it is indeed just kind of average.
Playing Witcher 3's Hearts of Stone expansion. Seeing Geralt flirt, dance and smile was probably the most disturbing pop culture

Featuring drunk Firestorm after he absorbs a ton of radioactivity from Flash. Because it overloads his neurons or…something. I remember that one!

If this is the origin story for the Fallout series, I want to know why I didn't get a home help robot and a ray gun, damn it.

Busey as Rick would be great but who for Morty?

For some reason, now I want to see Scott make a Rick and Morty movie. Freudian biomechanoid memes sound like Rick Sanchez's idea of a good night out.

No jokes about the director being called Lasse? Really?

Pretty sure magic powers from a foreign Dragon would count as an emolument for Danny.

And his dad is professor Jones, so it's no surprise they have a double grudge against him.

Their prowess is potent and secretly stern

Or mutate, or he'll get real powers through it. Hell, he could turn into a werewolf and reveal his real name is Jack Russell. Nothing would surprise me at this point except maybe the arrival of Moon Knight.

Since we're on the subject, Harry Connolly's urban fantasy books are a lot of fun if you like that kind of thing.

The books are pretty good, though after a quick Google I'm disappointed to find he's still only written two of them.

And presumably is still under contract, poor Kate.

When a Brit with that much pull says that, it means "do you want to KEEP working here?"

Needs more orange food coloring, but getting there.

Also, I loved the chance to actually get out in the water. If they ever make Bioshock: Scuba, I'll be first in line with my cash.

John Wick 4: Why I Otter…