
Not enough y's and ll's for Welsh, believe me.

I haven't finished the last episode yet, so can someone just indicate whether there's any resolution to the mystery of Emily and her maid who speaks a language unknown to all men? The whole 'foreigners are so weird' thing is bugging the shit out of me.

"Yeah, that Parliament building looks very flammable chief, know what I mean?"
And now I'm seeing Trump as fat Tony from the Simpsons, which works pretty well, actually.

You understand when I say 'merely' I mean willfully stupidly, right? Having grown up in Europe at the height of cold war paranoia, I have no desire to go through anything like that again.
I have a dreadful image of a bunch of generals wandering around like a bunch of used car salesmen saying "Yeah, that border looks

Not wilfully abandoning, merely putting the US Military on a profit making basis. If some of the bullshit he came up with can be believed.

I haven't seen any this early in the game, but bloodflies are the new bane of my life. Also, I'm impressed that the game gave me a non-moral but compelling reason not to slaughter people.

Such a huge loss to comics. I've been looking at his art forever, since he was still drawing for 2000 AD.

I think it's at least partly because it was like nothing I'd ever done in a game before.

Can we take a moment to acknowledge how amazing the animals in Redemption were? The horses were the only horses in a video game that were an actual pleasure to ride. The cougars with their ripping scream never failed to scare the living shit out of me, as they effortlessly batted me off my horse, and the bears.. I

I've bought it three times and played it right through maybe half a dozen.

The fact that they made herding cows in the rain amazing never fails to thrill me. I replayed it on the Xbone recently and it still holds up superbly, aside from John's sometimes awkward movement.

I have hopes of Dr Alchemy, because I am getting really sick of the primary bad guys always being speedsters. There's a limit to the number of times I can watch a pair of slightly different color lightning bolts run up a building and stay interested.

That I recall, I just don't remember if he was in full beating the crap out of random thugs every night mode at the time.

Even though I'm a Brit, I'm not a huge Radiohead fan, but something about Just<\i> from The Bends raises all my hackles. With the whole refrain of "you do it to yourself" it's also the best music I've ever found for kicking self pitying moods in the arse.

There's an ultimate avengers comic where Nick actually states that he would be portrayed by Samuel L Jackson.

That's a fantastic line, and this whole article is bringing back so many memories of how much I loved the first two CDs I just downloaded them again.

I know, I'm familiar with the source material. The awkward outsider everywhere trope original Danny has going has always been a nice part of his character, but obviously, this is a new iteration and who knows what and how many changes there'll be.

Really hoping the other heavenly city champions will make an appearance at some point.

I'm also a little worried about how the racial politics are going to come over. Unless they make Kun Lun some kind of refuge for many races then Danny might come across as either a white savior or an invader who appropriates their skills and magic.
And that's not even mentioning how the NYC enemies had better not only

I thought Erik Laray Harvey was pretty good, but that whole relationship and his part generally were just terribly written.
He was more like Bullseye or Venom than a behind the scenes crimelord.