
I seriously think they should cut all the seasons to ten episodes. It gets to the point where when I'm 6 or 7 episodes in I start waiting for the filler and/or purely crappy episodes.

Reed Richards should have run him up some jeans and a T-shirt in unstable molecules.

Every time I see Danny in a striped tracksuit I think of the Russian villains in the Hawkeye series. I'm kind of hoping for something like the Tai Chi uniform https://en.m.wikipedia.org/…

I was trying to think of a piece Asian headwear (and I'm talking Kung Fu movie values of Asia, not reality) and couldn't really come up with anything so I suspect you're on the right lines.

I could see that, but was wondering how you could keep the Iron Fist brand important without him looking like a shirtless douche bro. My best idea is for it to glow whenever Danny taps into it, bright enough to be seen through clothing.

I mostly like DD's current uniform, although the mask looks a little stupid. I have no idea how you would do Fist's yellow hood with big cat mascara eyes without making him look completely mental though.

I'm not sure whether I would like to read that, or it's just a joke on your part. Either way, I won't be googling it.

To be fair, have we actually seen Matt do any lawyering where he wasn't suffering from exhaustion, head trauma, or both?

I'm going to guess whoever IGH turn out to be, they sponsored work all over the place. The New York state thing is probably only one copy of stuff they had going.

Yeah I don't think she was looking at him like he was Mr Right. Mr Right now on the other hand, seems like a totally normal reaction given what they'd just been through.

He might make a decent Wesley 2.

But what are they going to do with the yellow hooded mask? Can't wait to see.

I guess it's been exposed to more than enough weird shit that it's possible the shield's developed sentience. It would be very weird if Cap started talking to it though.

Nope, I enjoyed it for what it was. But then I've been reading comics for a long time, so suspension of good sense and critical faculties comes easy to me.

Like Spidey says in Civil War, that thing does not obey the laws of physics at all.
Personally I always thought Cap was an undocumented telekinetic.

I'm not entirely sure it counts as paranoia (for New Yorkers at least) when portals to hell/space/alternative worlds do periodically open and vomit forth horrors.

A Luke Cage used clothing line? It's a shame nobody in the show seems to have thought of it.

After seeing Kima, Levy and Burrell show up, my wife's of the opinion that they should have just recruited the whole cast of The Wire.
I can't say I disagree with her.

I'm fascinated to see what they're going to do with Iron Fist's costume, which I love in the comics, but would look spectacularly ridiculous in a TV show.

As far back as I can remember in comics his stuff always gets wrecked in fights. Aside from that goddamn tiara and chain belt.