
Punisher brought a (heavily wounded) Spider Man into Cap's hidey hole. If they ever explained how Castle knew where to go, I don't recall it.

Penn and Teller.

Keith Richards

I'm kind of torn as to whether Hand Ninjas crumbling into dust like they (at least sometimes) do in the comics. To make it clear they're inhuman undead, would be a good or bad thing in this show.

Only if he stopped his heart too.

I have still successfully avoided seeing the first one, apart from in clips

How much of a failure do you think a movie would have to be to stop the making of Star Wars/Marvel/DC Comics movies? Until they rebooted, obviously.

Same in Portland, my wife was trying to get tickets and she was pissed.

Oh god, agreed. I will never have any interest in bloody Family Guy and I just want it to go to the place that is away.

I feel like the Jeopardy thread mention might have been sarcasm and it vexed me.

Excellent choice.

I truly hope I get to see Punisher pour scorn, and bullets, on a bunch of ninjas.

From Wesley's time as a rogue demon hunter, of course.

"(mother region? Not sure about the political status of K'un Lun)."

I'm playing Mad Max at the moment, and while driving around like a maniac killing feral humans is fun, collecting the scrap and building projects in four separate strongholds is indeed starting to feel like work.

Maybe twice, once by Lorelai.

Paris was planning to be a surgeon, iirc.

Paris was a raging psycho. I remember watching and wondering who in God's name would let her be a doctor.

'The idiot from heroes' is pithy, but really leaves the field wide open.

I've laughed at some terrible stuff, I love Peep Show and that includes a man eating a dead dog out of a bag. I don't get Always Sunny either though, and of the Half dozen or so episodes or so I've seen I don't think it's really made me laugh.