
Someone on twitter remarked that Martin O'Malley sounds like the name of the mailman in a village where all the residents are cute cartoon animals. For some reason that amuses me endlessly.

Cthulhu, are you back?

Murder Ballads is a fucking good album, apart from maybe the last track. Any record that has PJ Harvey, Shane McGowan and Kylie Minogue as guest artists is a treasure, quite apart from Nick and the Bad Seeds firing on all cylinders.

Jesus, that may be a step too far. Somebody needs to call down the Curse of Millhaven on him, assuming Lottie is out of the penal system.

Designed and directed by his Red Right Hand.

I had never pictured Moss from the IT crowd as a super hero, but now I've conflated him and the putative Mr Terrific in my mildly diseased mind, I can't stop seeing it.

Witcher 4: you call that monster hunting?

Making Danny mixed race would fit perfectly with that whole man caught between two worlds, and not totally at home in either trope he has going, it's a fine idea.

I like Shang Chi fine, but I'd be happier if they just made Danny Rand asian. Assuming of course they're still going ahead with Iron Fist, which rumor has it is far from certain.

What Are The Civilian Applications?

Lamarpocalypse Now.


I wonder if the overseas trips are funded by the local tourist boards.

Because sixty feet down color is practically non existent? Just guessing.

All of his non fiction books are worth a read.

Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

Mental age would have been more realistic, although I like that movie a lot.

"Eh, we say if you want your Melissa McCarthy fix just continue with the Gilmore Girls rewatch."

Her berry is gilded already.

Not to piddle on your opinion, but I fucking Loathe the Fitz books. When I got to the end of the first trilogy I vowed to never read one of her books again. Aside from how Fitz gets absolutely nothing but misery during the books I can't really figure out why they rouse such strong antipathy in me though.