
Well our sheep are better looking.

Sage, or Montoya version?

My particular favorite was Flash slapping bullets out of the air. I can't wait to see some of the other insane stuff, but I think they were smart to build up to them gradually.

They really need to improve their voiceover department. With the exception of John Constantine as Kenway the performances have always been underwhelming, although the weak writing certainly doesn't help.

No beef with the Irish from me, I'm kind of annoyed they didn't hire someone with the legit accent though

I love them to pieces. They are one of the few things I dragged across the entire Atlantic because I refused to be without them.

Gabe is of course totally right. If my love of the Aubrey/Maturin books has taught me anything it's that lacking a ship is business of the most serious kind.

Being a brit, ancient rivalries dictate that I need no more reason to play a game than destroying the pixels of la belle France.
After playing this and Black Flag though, I have absolutely no idea how the hell they will make an interesting AC game again without sailing and giant sharks.

Grey's annoyed me so very much (and the trailers for Scandal look so soapy) that I refuse to watch anything else by Shonda Rimes. I'm glad Ms Weil is still getting we work though.

Liza Weil could annoy me in GG just by sitting down, which probably means she's a very, very good actress. She should be a star, or at least a highly respected character actor.

Both Prototypes, yes. I haven't gotten around to SR4 yet, SR3 was just a trifle too over the top for me.

I have the orb pickup sound as a notification sound on my phone, as hundreds of hours of Crackdown has programmed a total inability in me to ignore it.

When it comes to total free roaming games where half the fun is making your own chaos, Crackdown is still the gold standard for me.

I was living apart from my then partner when I bought this, and nothing could stimulate feelings of sick jealousy and loneliness like 'Answering Machine' did. Possibly my most masochistic obsession with a song ever.

I think she was nervous in the first appearance and is settling in now. Her New Zealand/lotr stories are going to keep the elf jokes going forever here though.

I was trying very hard to forget that, I should have specified the quality of the movie be high or at least good.

At the very least I would like to see Strong play a top shelf villain, Marvel or otherwise.

I don't know what the hell happened with Lolo Jones, and I agree. Betsey Johnson was at least entertaining to watch, I doubt I'll be watching tonight but I'll at least be looking up the results and possibly swearing over them.

Sadie from Duck dynasty was also terrible I thought, and if she gets to the finals there is no justice in the world.
NASCAR dude was in there for a joke, right?

In regards to Silent Hill, the first time one of the mutant teddy bears in the school latches onto you and sinks his fangs into your groin will make any human, male gamer flinch violently.