
I noticed that after season thirteen or so, the commercials became much more tacky. I'm seeing hooters advertisements now.

I had no idea the TV rays allowed you to check on the circumstances of my addled genitalia.
Just imagine there's a gif of Homer nervously touching his fingers together right here.

Owner of the blue bird of happiness now they're extinct in the wild.

Like many other I'm chaining the classic Simpsons. So enjoyable in five hour chunks.

Green Wing was actually produced by Channel 4, not the BBC.

Maybe self awareness is what separates the merely crazy from the narcissistic bastard.

Aside from the classics, I have a massive weakness for the first three James Crumley books. Which reminds me that I need to go out and buy 'The Last Good Kiss' again.

I'm a huge fan of Alan Moore going back to Swampy, I'd be the first to call his lunacy pretty much a given though.

The Woody Guthrie of lip gloss.

Or tanks.

I think he's genuinely smart, but it's overwhelmed by his staggering levels of self absorption.

Same here. I particularly liked the whole guest starring with various Avengers bit.

Maybe they could use AraƱa, I'd really like to see her get some screentime.

Superior is actually a genuinely interesting take on Spidey. I'm behind everyone else in reading it, but I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of disasters Peter is embroiled in when he gets back.

I'm not entirely sure about Guardians, but I am hopeful. Possibly because giving Serafinowicz a small part makes me believe Gunn has a handle on the tone.

I didn't mistake them for art, but I enjoyed both Thor movies.

I'm really disappointed that Wright left, but morbidly curious to see if this is the first Marvel Universe film that turns out to be complete crap.

I hate fps in general, but if you want to see if you can acclimate to them I recommend either of the Borderlands games or BioShock 1& 2. I'm still not at all fond of that POV, but those games are still enjoyable.

I'm trying to decide whether he has such a slappable face because I know him to be annoying, or if he's annoying as a result of that unfortunate smirk.

Grimm is being paired with Constantine? That makes me very happy indeed.