Rainbow Warrior

That explains a lot. While there have been episodes that promote good ideas, their “both sides (but mostly the left)“ ideology has led to them peddling a lot of dangerous bullshit like global warming denialism (Man Bear Pig), transhobia (Stunning and Brave), and actual slavery apologetics (Butt Out)

“Too be fair, you need a high IQ to understand South Park..."

That's some peak centrism right there

Oh dear gods, i did not need that image in my head

And somehow this will all be Bernie Sanders' and/or Jill Stein's fault

“Let’s hope the Democrats don’t fall for this shtick.”

No one snatches defeat out of the jaws of victory quite like Corporate Democrats

Why would they arrest their best friends?

Remember Donald Duck, nephew of Scrooge McDuck - an uber-libertarian capitalist with a public history of tricking indigenous tribes into selling all their land and cultural artifacts for next to nothing.

Kay Melchior: [crying] you can’t just call everything you like ‘antifa’!

“If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal.” - Emma Goldman

“Officer Betty Fife thought a burglar was answering the door”
Because that’s a totally normal thing for a burglar to do when robbing a house, right?