
“For me, when Donald Trump got elected that just changed everything. Because this is an impeached president who’s broken many laws and has refused to condemn white supremacy, and it feels like there has been a line drawn in the sand,” she said. “I don’t want to support a president who supports white supremacists.”

Not just once, either. And Sarah Palin was not a dealbreaker for her.

Does that mean she voted against Barack Obama? Fuck her. 

You have to come from money to “see the fiscal benefits of some of the Republican policies.

She made money from training the horses her family owned on the farm they also own. Way to be self-made by getting paid by your parents.

Only 1,994 people were polled, which is why polling can be skewed.

Support for Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation has risen 18 points among Democrats

When you purchase a young, fame-hungry Republican, you get sexual misconduct. It’s a two for one deal. Always. 

Remember when we thought this would be over by summer? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

I think Cameron is mostly lying in the bed he made for himself. The same old white people who made him a rising star among conservatives will gladly sacrifice him in order to quell public outrage against this rotten system. If that’s what happens, I hope voters look beyond the head on a pike and go after those who

I want to know if Kentucky has Castle Doctrine laws? A bunch of plain clothes police officers breaking down a door without announcing themselves (I know there’s some argument about whether they announced themselves or not) and getting shot at sounds entirely negligent.

Madsen had researched murder and dismemberment prior to Wall’s death, and he brought tools onto the submarine used to tie her up and kill her. He texted two people before the murder, saying Wall “should be tied up and tortured aboard the sub,” and “that ‘he had planned the perfect murder, one that would be a ‘great

Well when you look at the nature of the planning and then the actions he took, like defiling the corpse, plus, it seems his initial intent for the murder was simply to commit murder rather than because there was some negative situation between the two - I’d agree with you.

Holy shit, somehow I was not aware of exactly how dark the details of the story were. I feel like a person who plans to kidnap, torture, and murder another human being never stops being a danger to society.

My wife is a civilian worker for the fire department. There’s a horrifying saying within the department: firefighters cheat, cops beat.

Your name is awesome.

Hey, over half of police spouses could go to that shelter!

17 law enforcement agencies

I wish this were true, but a lot of assholes in this country still feel that victims of domestic violence somehow bring it on themselves, by mouthing off or staying or whatever that week’s incredibly guilty personal choice was. If you’re enough of a dick to think that a woman who got beaten up probably should have

This is too bad, because police were so indescribably helpful to victims of domestic violence before.