Thank you for taking care of these sweetums! You are a good human. Here are some feral cat shelter ideas so they can stay warm. There are some cheaper builds with plastic tubs towards the bottom:
Have a star for these pasta tips (taking notes).
“After a brief stint bottoming in Iowa, Joe Biden...”
I believe in you, Marianne! Only you can find the chaos emeralds!
“pet project” hoW DARE YOU.
‘“sorry, I’m at capacity” like they’re some shitty nightclub.’ lol. How hard is it to write “thank you for telling me. I’m kind of busy right now, let me get back to you later.” This is why I love texting – you can put it aside for a few hours until you’ve (i.e., me) replenished your energy meter like a Sim in the…
I like reading all your posts in Ron Swanson’s voice. (And also just reading all your posts).
If I think about it too long, I scream until I pass out.
Going out for cigarettes wouldn’t be believable. This is France! One of the children is made of cigarettes!
Damn, that’s good tea. Can I get the recipe?
*bangs on desk at work* “pap smear, Pap Smear, PAP SMEAR!”
I know we all like to make fun of Marianne Williamson, but she’s the only candidate who is serious about finding the Chaos Emeralds.
Yes. Good.
You reminded me of a story I heard on the radio of a mom whose 4-year-old daughter asked her why the mom puts on lip balm. The mom says it’s for chapped lips and let her daughter put some on whenever she uses it. Then one day she found her daughter applying some to the family dog’s keister. The daughter looks at the…
Faithan For You.
“his wife recalled the family’s decision to reject a doctor’s recommendation that she have an abortion because the child would be born with spina bifida.”