
“fuck you, I got mine”. It’s the mantra of America (as seen from outside the country). And it’s a crying shame because there are tons of people who don’t live by that ... but the ones that do enjoy outsized power and a bully pulpit from whence to bray about it.

He never has and the evangelicals doesn’t give a shit that he doesn’t.

You’re forgetting the GOP motto: It’s bad except for when I need it and I’ll make sure you cant access it when I’m done.

How interesting that supposedly ironclad convictions can disappear in a moment of mortal crisis.

There are plenty of insane things sprouting everyday:

To all you conspiracy people who think Trump is playing 3d chess and pretending to have Covid to garner sympathy, I say thee nay.

By the way, it’s consistently worth remembering that Trump took out a full-page ad in the New York Post condemning the Central Park 5 and calling for the death penalty for children and then, when they were acquitted, doubled down and said they should be executed despite their innocence.

What I don’t get is how anyone could think Trump is the hill they want to make a stand on.

Trump gets whatever he wants because he will badger the fuck out of people, whining, threatening, complaining, yelling, and he simply wears people out. I grew up with someone like this, and and it’s upsetting, exhausting, and also horrific.

It’s a weird thing to say but: smarts don’t always equal intelligence.

Eh I don’t think he’s as smart as everyone says he is, including Dershowitz.

I never really liked Cuomo as a host before but I really do enjoy this post-COVID infection version of Cuomo who has absolutely no fucks to give and doesn’t really both sides it any more.

I’ll never understand Ted Cruz. It’s not just Dershowitz who gave him such high praise, a number of famous Harvard Law professors have said he’s one of the smartest students they’ve ever encountered. Think about that for a second. This is a guy with a world class intellect who could be doing anything he wants in life,

Because she’ll only be the mouthpiece for the will of Jesus. That makes it OK to be an uppity handmaiden. 

Or a Phyllis Schlafley.

If I said I don’t agree with people eating so much as to be obese does that make me an obesephobe?”

Actually look up the definition of “Phobia” in a dictionary. Any dictionary.

Don’t be so fucking stupid.

Give the guy a break, how was he to know Trump would behave exactly like he has virtually every day of the last four years?

“I guess I didn’t realize — and there was no way you could, hindsight being 20/20 — that this was going to be the president’s strategy, not just for the beginning of the debate but the entire debate.”