
In Milwaukee we use block cars. Cars form a line front and back, and pull up alongside the march to block intersections.

I don’t like anyone getting shot, that is an awful thing. But when you act like an occupying force and treat the people you purport to protect and serve like they are enemy combatants, you probably can’t be too surprised when some people act like it and start shooting back. Frankly, it’s surprising that more people

This reads like a god damned Onion article. I hate this fucking timeline SO MUCH.

Some apartment complexes are pretty big. They’re like campuses with multiple buildings and parking lots. So, she was shaken after witnessing the police shoot a protester and then she parked her car in a part of the lot she normally doesn’t use.   Then when she went to get her car later she couldn’t find it and thought

I thought I was reading Pissing Contest for a minute. I was confused because A) it wasn’t Friday and B) Tell Us About the Time A Cop Screwed Up Your Traffic Stop didn’t seem humorous to me.

Honestly, the best part of this is Schumer reminding Ted that he’s a junior Senator. I know it’s essentially meaningless. I like to think that it makes Ted feel he has to sit at the little kids’ table - or on the porch with the dog. 

We always say this, but she could have been an excellent and highly-respective African studies professor who just happened to be Jewish and from suburban Kansas City.

A major part of Reagan’s policies were based on the fact that women’s liberation and US ethnic minorities had just overcame major hurdles and the more oppressive parts of society needed something angry and hateful to feed the poorer white voters. This was the still hot animus that the GOP appeal and still appeal to

Since at least Reagan the economic core of the Republican Party has been just this: that the role of the government in the economy is only to protect accumulated wealth and the ability to use accumulated wealth to gain more more wealth.  That Democrats, for 40 years now, have failed to translate Republicans’

The real reason Republicans were up in arms about Obamacare Death Panels (TM) is because they’re pissed they’re not running real death panels where they can send people they don’t like to their deaths.

I haven’t undergone cancer treatment, but I’m astonished and humbled by his perseverance and attitude. 

Is anyone else who has undergone cancer treatment stunned at what he was able to accomplish while he was ill? I couldn’t make it from my hospital bed to the bathroom without peeing on myself because I was so weak it took forver to get out of the bed. Being physically weak is so painful.

I’m not crying, you’re crying. Also, I’m crying.

Right. To find one single instance of voter fraud (did it really require arrest? Just tell the person not to fucking do it anymore), this O’Keefe fucknut decided to go and ruin someone who, respectfully, seems like they’ve got plenty going on to begin with.

The unbelievable cruelty of this story has me close to tears. I’m choking up. 

The diagnosis question gets complicated in part because Marzello has never sought therapy or treatment. He identifies himself as transgender, but also feels shame for that, and has ever since he can remember feeling that way. He says he may have felt he was the wrong gender a child, but can’t specifically recall; he

Yea this reads far more like Project Veritas went after a poor, mentally ill person...which is even worse, since it sounds like the person in question legitimately saw it as two separate identities voting. 

My understanding is that the reason Jenna did the gender reveal in the first place is because she’d had a series of miscarriages and wanted to celebrate something positive. She didn’t do it because she cared about the gender of her child.

Just the other day I was talking with my partner about... well, our existence. We’re both trans women in a polyamorous relationships and while we do live in the United States, shit’s still scary, especially that people get away with this sort of shit. The ‘transpanic’ argument is still legal in most of the country,