Emily Rachael

If you are looking for a cheaper alternative to the Moleskine, the eccolo cool jazz journals are great, they have different sizes, ruled or graph, have a hard cover, pen holder, pocket in the back, and are cheap. This is the one I use, and it’s only $6,

Was totally into this until I relized my lonely ass can't play the intended way.

This needs to be a game. A console game.

Too bad they didn’t put all of that money and effort behind “yet another MMO” into making VI.

“Better technology”

Oh. Okay then.

Never played Limbo although it did look amazing. This one looks equally amazing. Love the art style and the dark feel to the game, both in terms of lighting/art and the feel of the game.

Looks like I need to turn off the Internet until end of June. Limbo was the game that got a bunch of my non-gaming friends into gaming, with it’s incredible art, wordless storytelling, and chilling silence.

Now playing

The next game from the creators of Monument Valley is going to be a virtual reality experience. UsTwo’s Land’s End is due to hit the Samsung Gear VR headset next month.