
Correct. In NYC, a regular coffee = 85% coffee + sugar + 15% milk or cream; black coffee = 100% coffee + 0% sugar or milk/cream; and white coffee (aka light & sweet) = 50% coffee + 50% milk/cream + sugar.


Torrent that shit and put it on a USB drive.


I would not subject those poor mothers to Trump’s bitch face.

I feel like Michelle has more of a classy shade essence, while Mariah’s is just petty queen.

I know someone who’s stepfather passed away a day before the hurricane. The mother was not able to make funeral arrangements due to the weather, its a very unfortunate and unlucky situation.

Because I want to watch the world burn - TRUMP 2016

Welp, there goes my hope of having my cruise re-reouted to Bermuda next week. I’m an awful person :(

Can’t wait for the Hurricane Matthew Truthers: “The people that died never existed! They were crisis actors! They used the hurricane to lure us out of our homes while FEMA took our guns!”

Sexy Storm Trooper is too cliche and Heidi is on a whole ‘nother level.

What did she shape, Sia?

Well that is because Marc is the only Spanish-speaking person Jen knows. That being said, Marc is a great lyricist and maybe, just maybe, this album may have some depth.

I remember Floyd like it was yesterday even though I was only 9 and living in NYC. My parents had just bought a house in Newark and we were in the process of moving. The streets were flooded with the water being around 5' deep. People were out riding their boats and jet skis on the streets, luckily our house was

Someone posted this pic earlier:

Wow, the evolved forms look absolutely gorgeous! Now I know I definitely will be picking Popplio as my starter.

I saw the video this morning and fell in love with Brionne! I really hope they will release a Brionne Poke Plush doll to go along with my adorable Fennekin plush. Also, why are they mad about a fictional creature? Who has looked at a male dog and said “Nah, its too feminine!” - dumbasses for real.

That look when she taps the mic!!!!

Sounds like this Halloween will be a great time for creepy clowns to finally see the light!

WHERE DO I BUY HIS CALENDAR? Ay papi ::heart eyes emoji::