The Queen

You mean....yours isn't haunted???


I don't believe this for a second. A guy named Hunter who runs an investment firm would never do coke.

I'm inagining that this entails one of those big flip-over-number signs a la "THIS WORKPLACE IS 001 DAYS ACCIDENT-FREE!" only for how many Ebola infections there are, and that it's huge and located in front of your state capitol building. And that there's a guy standing next to it with the big stick for flipping the

Welcome to the Patriarchy! Unfortunately, we do not have cookies because apparently the patriarchy frowns upon chubby ladies. We do have some vintage Zima, though. Found it in the basement.

I saw some plastic lace chokers in New Look last weekend. I was sad, they were bad enough the first time.

I keep reading his name as Cordon Bleu. Like the chicken dish.

I like to pretend Judd Law is just like his character in "The Holiday" and I refuse to accept any other version of him. So there.

"for dinner" Riiiiiiiiight...

It scares me how there is seemingly an infinite supply of creeps on the internet. I bet most of those people are totally pleasant in real life too. Like, it makes me worry that I have some acquaintance or neighbor or coworker or distant relative who blows off steam by going online and making fun of domestic violence

god dammit other dudes ruining shit for the rest of us *grumblegrumblegrumble*

When I first moved here (charleston) I remember someone laughed and laughed when I said I was under the impression Greenville was the Asheville of SC. The person who told me Greenville was full of liberal aging hippies and hipsters was a lying bastard.

Like Gollums of the internet they love and hate the porn as they love and hate themselves.

LOVE PORN! CAN'T GET ENOUGH PORN. But HATE THE PERSON PROVIDING YOU WITH THE PORN. Fuckwits. I can't express my contempt for these people.

I will not address the awful comments. I'll move on to something else.

12-year-old me totally loved microbiology and junior epidemiology, and would've been all over this outbreak.

Also, any guy who enjoys blowjobs and uses "dick-sucking" as an insult is a fucking hypocrite.

I will never and hope to never understand how people say your worth as a human is dependent on the number of people you are fucking.

What's wrong with being a dick-sucking whore?

I was expecting a different Paris, too.