The Queen

Thank you for pointing this out - it was the first thing I thought of. One small step for domestic violence victims, one giant leap for old white men trying to get up all in my vadge. That law may be bullshit, but making it easier for people to claim a defense under it does no one any good.

Yeah, when it's left up to an individual cop, all sorts of unfair things happen. I always tell my clients that if a police officer won't take a report, then call someone higher up and demand it. The absolutely should take a report for something like that.

Mike Fair is the absolute worst.

Ugh ugh ugh ugh. Thank you for taking the time to find that! (even if it lowered my faith in humanity)

I really hope things change for the better soon. Because it breaks my heart how the people who are least often victimized decide what a "real victim" looks like, and then do almost nothing for them either.

People say to me all the time, "Why don't you move back to Greenville? Downtown is so fun now!" And you just reminded me once again why I never will. Too many Baptists and too many people that vote for dipshits like Mike Fair.

It's obviously bad that a double standard is being applied, but it's hard for me to get too angry about this, since I don't think Stand Your Ground laws make sense for any type of situation. So why would I want to expand the situations under which this horribly unjust law can be applied? If someone's life really is

there are hand motions that go with my questions, but it all comes after 10-15 seconds of me looking blankly around trying to make sense of it all.

To be fair, even Jason the horror movie maniac is superior to Jason Biggs.

It'd be even cuter on my inner thigh. HEY-O!

The clothes were simply the mask which let your cajones arise.

what is this

Literal dickhead.

Jason Schwartzman makes me wiggle in my lady-parts.

To be fair, it would be a little unnerving to look across the stage at the guy you're debating and know he's getting his dick blown the whole time.

I have seen toddlers better able to negotiate who wants the choo-choo.

the answer to that is 'more than you.'

*face + palm OTP*

Aww, a little Jason Schwartzman is an excellent palate cleanser after that photo of Biggs.

Oh man, I wonder what they're doing now. I bet Bart has a couple kids and a mortgage, Lisa is a very talented freelance writer who constantly hits Marge up for money and wonders why she can't find any good guys on OKCupid, Homer has unfortunately died of his numerous health problems, and Marge would never admit it to