Queen Mamadala

I really hope they keep leaning into everybody just being weirded the fuck out by Bran. Dragons flying around and zombies on the march and nothing makes people more uncomfortable than the home schooled kid who cuts his own hair.

She was right in a way, I didn’t like the answer. Mostly in that I’m now angry that Finns pay barely anything for great healthcare, while I’m paying out of my asshole for...let’s say adequate health care.

Oh god, the Wait Time sermons. As opposed to the mighty USA, where my mother has to schedule appointments with her specialist... a year in advance.

Same reason that free college scares them. No one complains about the “free” education we get through HS, because a HS diploma really doesn’t get you very far these days. But add on those extra 4 years, which might allow the poors to have a chance, and everyone goes nuts because that financial advantage might be taken

She followed up with: “Health care costs are too high that is true but comparing us to Finland is ridiculous. Ask them how their health care is. You won’t like the answer.”

when rich people hear that we want everyone to get equal access to healthcare, they naturally assume that means they’ll have to suffer the way we do, because they know that their extreme wealth depends fundamentally on our poverty

See also: automatically hating things they don’t understand.

Every picture you see of him with the heads of state who have always been enemies of America like North Korea and Saudi Arabia, those heads of state are always smiling like a sideshow carny finding a mark who doesn’t know that the bottles are nailed down.

I’ve said it before: Trump sadly, but accurately represents modern American society. A dumbass grifter who failed up all his life and thinks everyone else who didn’t is a loser.

Gotta wonder if there will be more than just a Korean translator in the room this week.  We know lil’ Kim knows English much better than Trump knows his own language. 

This is so humiliating. On an international stage we have to put up with toddler level understanding and the adult in the room has to not just humor him but pretend it made sense. It is full on child tantrum level shit.

This man has been alone in a room making deals with the likes of Putin and Kim Jong Un and I don’t think we’re going to know just how awful those deals were until it’s way past too late.

It’s an imperfect show. I’m five episodes in, and it’s weirdly slow for long stretches. But there are spurts of greatness there—particularly the action scenes. And I’m invested in the characters. I feel like maybe they should’ve leaned into the whimsy of the original comics, but then...that might’ve dated the series

Fucking cats. They always fuck things up. Just when you thought you could leave the water glass on the end table, bam, you get up and step on wet carpet. 

I feel like this happens on the AV Club a lot. Reviews will say “it was very good except the effects in one scene were slightly off. D+

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To be fair, that was a pretty good video from the ancient times (four years ago).

I feel like Asians having the highest average earnings is from a smaller sample size being skewed by Emma Stone.

Yes. Her general point distracts from the problem and frames it instead as some sort of competition among minority women instead of a fight against white patriarchy.
But I also want to call out one of those tweets embedded for its logical fallacy because there are enough legitimate points to bring up in this

then she should fucking write her own damn screenplays and stop whining about black movies. sounds like she wants to ride the coattails of african-american accomplishments for free. this isn’t a zero sum game where one accomplishment erases another. she’s just frustrating.

Yes, that was the dealbreaker, specifically the need to go to such lengths and risk lives just for a WAGON. She was onboard with the seed vault idea, makes sense. And while you’re there, sure, grab a plow or a canoe if it’s convenient. But going to such lengths to get an ancient wagon, it was just too goofy for her,