Queen Mamadala

I mean, of course she can wear whatever she wants...But seeing a 5'9 15 year old dressed as a toddler is um, let’s say unusual. She says - “I see people who are my age and who are acting a lot older and who are trying to be someone or something that they’re not” But essentially that’s what she’s doing as well, just in

Yes, everything you mention here was pretty ridiculous. I’ll add that there was no reason at all she wouldn’t have just killed Tyrion. Like, none. 

In general I agree that these last 2 seasons are suffering from their truncation.  But I think you’re reading Jaime wrong--he’s not switching sides again, he’s going south to kill Cersei.  A more tender parting wold have ben nice, but it occurs to me that maybe he was just trying to rip the band-aid off all at once &

Classic D&D, having Sansa tell the Hound that if she hadn’t been raped for months she wouldn’t ever have been able to be a skilled politician.

Anyone else surprised it was mentioned we still have Dothraki fighters?

Next episode is Drogon wrecking shit, but it’s off screen and Dany just explains whats happening.

Yea. Brienne could do better than a sister-fucker. I was still sad for her though

Should’ve picked Tormund.

He’ll make the difference by rolling over Gregor Clegane’s foot during Clegane-Bowl allowing Sandor to take the victory 9 sets to 8..

I don’t see how Bran could redeem himself.  His “one job” was to give some sort of magical knowledge that would allow Team Winterfell to defeat the Night King and he done got overshadowed there by Melisandre.  You could have just had Sam find a slightly more detailed book in the Library for the whole R+L=J reveal and

You don’t think HBO wanted them to make more episodes of the show?

He gives us all a raisin to live.

Having a character with virtual superpowers effortlessly” kill a Big Bad to resolve an arc is well-established trope but you have to set it up right so the audience goes “AW HELL YEAH!” even though the hero is just suddenly swatting down an enemy that has until now been supposedly unbeatable.

Just a reminder, The show still has three fucking episoded left. Stop acting like this was the last episode.

heavy on the pineapple! heavy pineapple! heavapple! happle! happle! happle!

This is a horrible take; they signed on to adapt existing works after having been reassured by the author that the books would be finished on time. GRRM said in 2011 that the next book would take “about three years” to write and his publisher has said that they were expecting to publish late 2015 early 2016. This was

Also, coming up with the backstory is really hard.

Bran does his job by keeping the show regular.

Arya stabs him too just out of annoyance.

Me, 5 minutes after starting something on Netflix: