Queen Mamadala

“This article contains plot information for Infinity War”

Know what they should do? They should call it Popcornpass and charge 10 bucks a month for unlimited snacks with the purchase of a ticket.

Are white people.... okay?

Orange County, God, click bait, “people” named Savannah, Everleigh and Cole. The new VC Andrews novel sounds like shit.

Clarke literally held a gun to the head of a fetus. One thing I did like in that scene was that no one even questioned if she would go through with it.

there will be xenophobic settlers from the prior expeditions or a xenophobic civilization of aliens that look eeriely like hot 20somethings, only maybe with weird ears who threaten the survival of the 100.

Yeah, same, and it helps that Echo is best good friends with Raven, who is perpetually my other favorite character. Also Tasya Teles and Lindsey Morgan who play Echo and Raven are roommates and BFFs who just vacationed together in Morocco so that is cool too

Honestly, Monty did get a decent garden and the sun shining on his face (just in space) and a beautiful family that, while lonely, were finally at peace. It’s really the nicest, most noble death in comparison to any other deaths on the show. He had a choice of putting himself in cyro-sleep after finding the other

In peace, may you leave the shore. In love, may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels until our final journey to the ground. May we meet again.

They are literally at a new planet. Anything can happen. Who knows what kind of strange new wonders await them. That’s at least two more seasons right there.

To be fair here, it’s highly likely that Monty would have watched Harper die some day no matter what else happened (unless he died first of course)

The writers need to let the Lexa thing go. Giving her this gravitas, this weight over the whole series is ridiculous. How she became more important than Lincoln this season is mind-boggling. Her and Clarke did not also have this great love — they were prickly, complicated, inconvenient — sandpapering that diminishes

All Monty wanted was a decent garden and the sun shining on his face, what he got was stuck on a space ship alone with his girl, who had to put his child in cryo sleep, watched his wife die all the while trying to figure out how to save the remainder of the human race right up to the moment he took his last breath.

He was going through a rebellious phase.

No they are not. Their choice of two people to break this news to are Bellemy and Clarke? Let’s not forget it was Clarke fucking up that destroyed the earth in the first place.

I love that Harper & Monty’s kid (I am really going to miss them) considers Murphy his favorite

Clarke killing McCreary and telling him he would never know his daughter (similar to the last scene of Pan’s Labyrinth) was a very satisfying scene

Harper and Monty deserved better, but they weren’t going to get it, so I am pretty happy with this for them

Monty telling Clarke and Bellamy “may we meet again,” man, that always gets me & I am never prepared for it, somehow.

It *was* the best episode of the season. The payoff was great, the wonky character motivations were somewhat rectified and the final twist was mind-blowing and heartbreaking. And that’s where I see the problem with your comparison to the Season 4 finale. It cleared the decks, but it wasn’t quite as awesome as this