Queen Mamadala

So...women get assaulted when they don’t obey the “laws of stupid.” Which mean the (presumably stupid) victims of assault and murder pretty much bring in on themselves for going “stupid places” at “stupid times” with “stupid people.” Like...a party, at night, with, say, a man. Thanks for explaining how this all works,

Did you know that this woman ironically WAS aware of her surroundings, hence the text she sent?

Maybe the police should also remind people to not rape/murder people? Just sayin’

No matter how a man murders us, it’s our own faults.

Unfortunately, the child who will go without complete medical care is innocent.

I wish it was illegal to do this. You are endangering others and your child. Your child didn’t have a choice to be born to someone who actively rejects science.

Right? Like... what was she expecting, exactly?

Maybe not ‘active’ white supremacist, but she was engaged to Jesse James, so....And then there’s this -

Also? I don’t want non-vaccinated kids around my kid if I can help it. Their parents are uneducated and therefore a danger to my livelihood and family.

1) So, I am relieved to hear this, because I expected Kat Von D to do something much worse, like be an active white supremacist or say undocumented immigrants are criminals or something.

If she really didn’t want to be judged, she wouldn’t announce her choices.

Right?! Not only does their stupidity put their children at risk, it puts others at risk. People keep saying it’s a personal choice, but it is not because it impacts people other than their kids.

There’s not much I judge parents on, but failing to vaccinate is absolutely one of them.

The best/worst part is she doesn’t realize that she’s the one holding the real uninformed opinion. The people who are anti-vaccine tend to not know anything about what they’re talking about. I’d go on, but this stuff just makes me so angry for a great many reasons.

Also, I love how she says “so your negative comments are not going to influence my choices - actual research and educating myself will”

Right??? The only reason these morons get to rest on their anti-vacc laurels is because of the generations before them who DID vaccinate, thus ensuring herd immunity..

I get it’s hard to have a private life while in the public eye.

And, if you don’t know what it’s like to have the entire world openly criticize, judge, throw uninformed opinions,

Was this show even popular enough to justify recasting this train wreck? I mean I barely heard about it and never met anyone who watched it

Ah, the is the type of celebrity gossip that almost makes one giddy in its old fashion battle of egos. No one got raped or groped as far as I can tell, so this one is a win!