Queen Mamadala

Me too! But seriously, what was that weird blue flair on his shirt? It looked like a piece of sparkly painter’s tape. Why, just why?

Girrrrl, you too good for that dog. Trust.

Must be nice to be a white woman

1: Donald J. Trump.

Honestly, I really think that’s the main thing. I think his creditors have kept him just rich enough to sustain his brand, but I don’t remotely believe he has these vast riches that he claims to have. If he had documents proving himself to be as wealthy as he pretends, he’d be whipping them out at every press

I have no doubt he’s got ties to Russia, financial and otherwise. But the reason *I* think he doesn’t want anyone to see his taxes is because one look will tell everyone that he’s not even close to as rich as he’s been saying he is; I’d estimate he’s got a few million maybe, and he knows there’s not a way to spin that

Ever since Donald Trump became the first candidate in 40 years not to release their tax returns, people have speculated that it is because of financial ties to Russia. But what if (now hear me out) it’s because he owns a large chain of hardware stores in northern Mexico and the whole wall plan is just a scheme to

Trump? Give away real estate?

Well that’s where the eminent domain lawyers come in.

I hope his administration gets trapped in an enclosed space with seemingly no way out and they have to end up eating each other for sustenance to survive.

I hope his administration gets herpes.

I grew up on the border. I remember when the Bush administration put up the fence all those years ago. I would pass by it literally every day until I moved away. I see it every time I go home. I hate that fence. I hate it so much. The idea of a border wall is infuriating to me. It creates in me an anger like little

I was told there would be no math in Kinja.

That was my read: He still hadn’t gotten over his luck, in a good way.

Again, this is speculative without facts. You are hating on her because you ‘believe’ she is not straight and she’s lying about it. God. Use your hatred for someone else.

The blog post is stupid. celebrities should be encouraged to NOT speak about politics, what some shitty actor or singer thinks should not matter to anyone and should not be used to influence people’s opinions, beyond telling the public to research and think for themselves. Should Swift or anyone else be expected to

The original blog-post is straight-up ridiculous, making massive leaps in logic and weird analogies in order to force a case there isn’t much evidence for (for example, she argues that Swift must be a reactionary conservative because she didn’t openly campaign for Clinton like Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, and Beyonce did .

...is this a bit?

Ooh, sounds like you’ve got a spicy insider story that somehow escaped the attention of the world’s media! Do tell us what Swift’s ‘real sexuality’ is. Preferably in intimate detail.

We spread the petty shit around, but we don’t make it up. The point is, there’s plenty of petty shit already—look no further than these very pages!—so why invent more? It just undermines the snotty superiority we media types are trying so hard to convey!