It would be very on-brand for 2017 if Ted Cruz getting busted watching porn somehow endears him to enough voters that it leads to his resurgence as a political entity.
This hits a little close to home for me today: My 16 year old daughter attended an all day concert/festival this past weekend. We received a call at 10PM from her best friend to tell us that our daughter had been missing for over an hour and they couldn’t find her. As she had broken her phone the week before we had no…
It’s definitely a weird picture. Of the hundreds I’m sure they must have shot, it’s kind of amazing that they chose that one because her chest looks super weird.
I’m not too concerned with it. The first reason is that the placebo effect is real: so if people want to believe that some pretty stickers are lessening their anxiety and they have the cash, let them at it.
(God forgive me; I couldn’t help myself)
This story brings up a happy memory for me.
I think everyone should absolutely upfront ask for this information if they want it. Because it will tell their date that they’re batshit insane. And if the date answers enthusiastically it means they’re equally insane and the chart might not be needed because they’re super compatible.
Thank god for this story, I Knew i had forgotten something ; pulls out diaphragm from 1992.
If I were a female driver being compared to Danica Patrick, this would be my response:
I’m concerned how much print space beauty and models occupy in Jezebel. This is a well-written article, but I think it’s sad when a formerly pretty feminist website seems to be turning into a site forwarding patriarchy. As feminists, we shouldn’t be focusing on beauty, model walks, etc. It all serves the male gaze,…
Only white people are allowed to be children at 19 even if they have committed vile, violent, hideous crimes. The rest of us are lucky to still be considered kids at 11.
So this is a place that got some kids to feel better about themselves, but is not good enough for serious athletes.
Any man forgets his number spends the night in the box.
Things that would stress me out from living in a glass cabin:
I hear you. I’m in natural perimenopause and have been very lucky: no hot flashes, no night sweats, no mood swings. Just random, bizarre periods that are mostly ceremonial at this point and...
My favorite part of the descriptions:
How can we make viewers feel for these immigrants...
I know! Make the immigrants white!
My children the left has abandoned otherkin and their brethren should I cast out my brother because he is deerkin and takes anxiety medication during hunting season? I think not. Strengthen your beliefs or risk becoming conservativekin.