Queen Jane More Or Less

I was thinking something like that during the broadcast. I don't hate John Lennon, but when they perform the perfunctory exhume-and-fellate on his memory, why not bust out something that (a) is not "Imagine", (b) involves performers who are still alive, and (c) is not "Imagine" Jesus fuckshit urgh. If they'd chosen

Shouldn't that be "is" the best everything? …He's not dead, is he? I thought he'd pickled himself in booze well enough that he'd stick around at least into his late eighties…

Shouldn't that be "is" the best everything? …He's not dead, is he? I thought he'd pickled himself in booze well enough that he'd stick around at least into his late eighties…

Romana I was amazing. I wish I could be a tenth as awesome as she was.

Romana I was amazing. I wish I could be a tenth as awesome as she was.

Not hot, as such, but the schadenfreude would be nearly orgasmic in its deliciousness.

Not hot, as such, but the schadenfreude would be nearly orgasmic in its deliciousness.

What about the term "nerdsploitation"? Would that work as a VDW-safe descriptor, or would it be off base?

What about the term "nerdsploitation"? Would that work as a VDW-safe descriptor, or would it be off base?

You, sir or madam, have a brilliant future ahead of you as head writer for an adult swim series.

You, sir or madam, have a brilliant future ahead of you as head writer for an adult swim series.



I gave up on the series…jeez, when was Claire's boyfriend, Creepy McStalkerflyer? I seem to recall that it had been mediocre for a ways up to that point, which I might have continued to put up with by itself (if only so I could go complain about it on the interbuttz with all the other cool kids). But the mediocrity in

Hey, this came out on Benedict Cumberbatch's birthday.

Hey, this came out on Benedict Cumberbatch's birthday.

…a young Chevy Chase who isn't saying anything particularly stupid or hateful, with his shirt unbuttoned…

…a young Chevy Chase who isn't saying anything particularly stupid or hateful, with his shirt unbuttoned…

You had those nightmares too, huh?

You had those nightmares too, huh?