Queen Jane More Or Less

Jaime Lannister is strong on defense! The kid was probably a security threat. For all we know, if he hadn't taken action, we'd all be under the icy cold, blindly honorable tyranny of Robb Stark—or worse!

Jaime Lannister is strong on defense! The kid was probably a security threat. For all we know, if he hadn't taken action, we'd all be under the icy cold, blindly honorable tyranny of Robb Stark—or worse!

Don't blame me; I voted Tyrion/Jaime.

Don't blame me; I voted Tyrion/Jaime.

Wear that bias proudly, @avclub-fe30d1d8bb8b101c021a3c30a97bc3a2:disqus ! I really dig the creative restlessness and novelty of what they do. I'm not entirely sure why, but the Flaming Lips resonate with me in a way that not much else does—although I suspect that part of it is the fact that they keep trying new

Wear that bias proudly, @avclub-fe30d1d8bb8b101c021a3c30a97bc3a2:disqus ! I really dig the creative restlessness and novelty of what they do. I'm not entirely sure why, but the Flaming Lips resonate with me in a way that not much else does—although I suspect that part of it is the fact that they keep trying new

I too am intrigued by your suggestion, AVClub commenter Everything Bagel, and would also like a representative link or two of this band of which you speak.

I too am intrigued by your suggestion, AVClub commenter Everything Bagel, and would also like a representative link or two of this band of which you speak.

Okay, yeah, that is a pretty hilarious word.

Okay, yeah, that is a pretty hilarious word.

No, the one with the bugfixed human behavior subroutines.

No, the one with the bugfixed human behavior subroutines.

I'm kind of a sucker for "Five Stop Mother Superior Rain", "Redneck School of Technology", and "Take Meta Mars". I don't even know if the pun in that second one should work or not, but damned if I don't like it anyway.

I'm kind of a sucker for "Five Stop Mother Superior Rain", "Redneck School of Technology", and "Take Meta Mars". I don't even know if the pun in that second one should work or not, but damned if I don't like it anyway.

Well, if they're really committed to the redneck stereotype, they've probably already picked up some of the notable habits of Targaryens…

Well, if they're really committed to the redneck stereotype, they've probably already picked up some of the notable habits of Targaryens…

And yet…it can only get better from here. (I've been hippie-bashing as Inspector Spacetime, myself.)

And yet…it can only get better from here. (I've been hippie-bashing as Inspector Spacetime, myself.)

I for one am wondering about the crafting/mixing/alchemy capabilities.

I for one am wondering about the crafting/mixing/alchemy capabilities.