Queen Jane More Or Less

That noise you hear in the distance is my squeal of unbridled glee.

That noise you hear in the distance is my squeal of unbridled glee.

I like you, Urrite. U disagree, but at least ur polite.

I like you, Urrite. U disagree, but at least ur polite.

::opens bag of microwave popcorn, commences munching::

::opens bag of microwave popcorn, commences munching::

Hey! Beatin' up women! Rape! Gays, amirite? Ohhhhhh!

Hey! Beatin' up women! Rape! Gays, amirite? Ohhhhhh!

Joke's on you, @avclub-c1bac1d55ebcc415d61552acbfbb219d:disqus ! I have no shame about any of those. So there.

Let me get this straight, @avclub-e1e4fdbce97bad3d9230fb606165dc1b:disqus : Are you saying that my aunt is Kathie Lee Gifford? Because it would explain a whole lot, but it's not as though I need any further reason to never speak to her again, so…

I'd place my non-existent internet wager on whips and chains, myself. To me Rick Santorum has a face that all but screams "yes indeed I'm totally normal, nothing to see here, everyone can tell I'm completely average please take note of how completely normal I am". So of course, whatever he's hiding must be pretty far

I'd place my non-existent internet wager on whips and chains, myself. To me Rick Santorum has a face that all but screams "yes indeed I'm totally normal, nothing to see here, everyone can tell I'm completely average please take note of how completely normal I am". So of course, whatever he's hiding must be pretty far

…says the completely unbiased commenter with the Bobby Bittman avatar.

…says the completely unbiased commenter with the Bobby Bittman avatar.

Without definitely specifying any lady-batin' habits because reasons, the following are on my "actually pretty dishy" list (off the top of my head):

The hell of it is that Cersei clearly is pretty clever—I just don't think she gets nearly as much practice at scheming as she'd need to keep up.

The hell of it is that Cersei clearly is pretty clever—I just don't think she gets nearly as much practice at scheming as she'd need to keep up.

If your last name's Targaryen, it's probably normal.

If your last name's Targaryen, it's probably normal.

>Well I think the whole thing with banging Melisandre was that he had no
sons.  Which I guess doesn't preclude him from having a bunch of