Queen Jane More Or Less

I wanna run around space and time with the Doctor, helping people and having fun, because the Doctor is a cool dude. I could happily spend my time listening to Three's opinions on wine, or enjoying a picnic with Four, or subtly trolling Six with Three's opinions on wine…

Hey, I got a buddy who's headed off to compete in this! According to him, the unofficial side tourneys can be all kinds of fun all by themselves—for example, I believe he's gonna be part of a Skullgirls competition while he's there.

O brave new world, that has such wieners in it!

No, the dragons are real. Stannis, however, is brought to life through the use of thirty-eight different animatronic puppets!

And in our hearts, @beema. In all our hearts.

A minor nitpick, @beema : Bob Odenkirk yelling with rage is generally fun to watch, which puts it one up on Dexter.

I wish I could pull off a lady Three, but I doubt I could look good in it at all. I just don't have the natural daring and style. I might be able to do a Seven, though; I reckon I have the face for it.

> "Anybody rips on Mr. Rogers in front of me is gonna get it in the fuckin' teeth"

> "Anybody rips on Mr. Rogers in front of me is gonna get it in the fuckin' teeth"

If a show like this had existed during my childhood, I think my life would have turned out far differently.

If a show like this had existed during my childhood, I think my life would have turned out far differently.



I see no "Nudge, Nudge" on anyone's lists here, and am therefore obligated to question the sanity and parentage of every last one of you. Yes, even you over there.

I see no "Nudge, Nudge" on anyone's lists here, and am therefore obligated to question the sanity and parentage of every last one of you. Yes, even you over there.

He can advertise it online with pop-up ads that play "BUY DAN'S BOOK! BUY DAN'S BOOK! BUY DAN'S BOOK!" at full volume until you find the one-and-a-half-pixel X in the corner to close it.

He can advertise it online with pop-up ads that play "BUY DAN'S BOOK! BUY DAN'S BOOK! BUY DAN'S BOOK!" at full volume until you find the one-and-a-half-pixel X in the corner to close it.

@avclub-cf50b28ef624912ff106c57ca9be41dc:disqus : I've read Promethea and From Hell, and—well, the former is actually fairly straightforward (if packed to the eyeballs with symbolism, all of which Moore explains). I'd also argue that it's one of his finest works, with an ending that stays with you in the best way.

@avclub-cf50b28ef624912ff106c57ca9be41dc:disqus : I've read Promethea and From Hell, and—well, the former is actually fairly straightforward (if packed to the eyeballs with symbolism, all of which Moore explains). I'd also argue that it's one of his finest works, with an ending that stays with you in the best way.

I was thinking something like that during the broadcast. I don't hate John Lennon, but when they perform the perfunctory exhume-and-fellate on his memory, why not bust out something that (a) is not "Imagine", (b) involves performers who are still alive, and (c) is not "Imagine" Jesus fuckshit urgh. If they'd chosen