Queen Jane More Or Less

rev: The Poster With a Good Attitude Towards Menstruation.

The crowns of their heads go uncovered and their hair free, its vibrant shine casting a succubus spell on the defenseless genitals (and immortal souls) of every man in the room. Obviously.

I'd definitely play the Community RPG. I see it feeling a lot like EarthBound or Mother 3 in terms of story and worldbuilding—whimsical, but capable of great sorrow, with a perfect ear for dialogue. Somebody get Shigesato Itoi on this business right now.

What're you, some kind of feminist? Or worse, some kinda [ptoo!] creative type?

The poster with the (awesome, by the way) Harpo Marx avatar is absolutely correct, without a doubt.

I actually discovered that album after reading something here about it—it's on of the staff's guilty pleasures or something, according to some AVQ&A I'm too lazy to go find now. They included the video for I think "Harder Better Faster Stronger" (and maybe "One More Time", I don't recall) and as soon as I played it,

Oh, they put out the 4.0 version? Did they get the human empathy subroutine working? Or at least give him realistic hair?

Why? Why!?

I'd actually really like to read that Sagan article.

I know! She's complicated and likeable and interestingly flawed, and doesn't lapse into stupid damn stereotypes. Both my inner feminist and my inner lover of good stories well told (and they do communicate frequently, because I think lazy writing and sexist writing are frequent bedfellows) are immensely pleased with Co

The cynical part of me suspects that Jesus is actually a Two and a Half Men fan, and this was Satan pissing him off/doing us a solid. In which case, thanks, Beelzebuddy!

>Alec Baldwin looks awesome in Rock of Ages …

There's your closing scene: House, just returned from Wilson's funeral, enters the apartment to find…Wilson, in the kitchen, looking fine, as though nothing had happened. Stunned, he reels, turning to the living room only to see Kutner sitting on the couch. By now, he's begun to catch on, so he only smiles when he

I prefer the classic tune "Gold: The Song". I'm sure you remember it:

Only in our dreams, Archmage.

Well-off white old farts' problems, apparently, to be more specific.

Not my problem. Their job is to give the people what they want, goddamnit. (Note: By "the people", I mainly mean "me".)

When I look at that picture, all I can hear in my mind's ear is a turkey's gobble.

Completely insufferable cartoon aliens, for clarity's sake. And the kids' mother was far and away the absolute fucking worst of all of them.

It's spelled "bukkake". With the E. Honestly, it's like you've never even been on the Internet before.