Queen Jane More Or Less

I thought it would at least be vertically oriented. I feel that the horizontal orientation is counterintuitive and frankly, quite clunky. Making it vertical would, I think, look a bit more elegant.

Yeppers. The number in question is Avogadro's number, which is a number of atoms and which, therefore, pretty much has to be huge. 10^-23, in contrast, is teeny-tiny.


Hell, I consider everyone around Titus to be more awesome than Titus. I'm even including the perpetrators of that damn Bright Carvers love-triangle dramashit.

The sex doll would probably be more consistently and interestingly written, too, @avclub-fead7b5590de301d0c5c32ebb188a748:disqus . (Which is kind of sad, really.)

I like the way you think, @avclub-3a964157d2661371723992a5bbe09992:disqus .

That's just where they inject the growth-stunting formula. Gotta plan long-term, so the gravy train doesn't make any unscheduled stops at Growth Spurt Junction or Acneville!

When I looked at that picture, I think my inner feminist tried to hang herself.

She's not Cuddy, so place me aboard the House/Dominika ship (also called the USS Sure, Why The Fuck Not) as well.

@avclub-772800c641bbbf4f700f2bb365294695:disqus It's certainly just about the purest distillation of the Marx Brothers' style that you can get (although it's a bit harder to judge Horsefeathers, for instance, because it's been hacked to hell). It's the most Marx Brothers of the Marx Brothers films, if you will.

You don't just give up a really good hat. A good hat's hard to find.

I'm a little ashamed to admit it, but a small, Imp of the Perverse-type part of me kind of wanted this film to happen in the hopes that it would be uniquely and fantastically deranged (even though it was probably only going to be awful and hateful). In retrospect, it's probably pretty callous of me to want that to

The Mel Gibson-directed continuation of What Women Want would probably be called But Your Honor, The Bitch Really Was Asking For It!

And Peter Dinklage! His character's pretty awesome. In fact, the whole thing's pretty bitchin'.

@avclub-a4d9e26e19c37e5113a3f0d9780930f3:disqus : I bet the Westerosi version of that punchline is "The Lannisters!"

"Shae would never blow someone like that! It's completely out of line with the technical expertise she possesses in the novels! Compared to the books, I can barely even recognize this prostitute."

Also, holy shit their Terry Jones looks like he lives under a bridge and bears a lifelong grudge against billygoats.

But the thing is, their Eric Idle looks more like Eric Idles does now, but I'd expect him to look, y'know, more like Eric Idle did back then—as in, sans jowls…

>Renly suddenly being able to conjure up some huge army also struck me as a bit fantastical

Least powerful he may be, but I think he's the one who knows best how to use what he has, thanks in no small part to his better exercised empathy. At the other end of the spectrum, f'rexample, Joffrey has tons of power—but he's too goddamned sadistic and petulant to do much with it.