Queen Jane More Or Less

@avclub-ae27321e41369b1e30714d870976c1cc:disqus : It's more of a little radio button near the top. Some give up on finding it pretty quickly, but if you're willing to be patient you can achieve some pretty amazing things with it.

"[Tyrion]’s his father’s son in a way"

Romana One's great!
Leela kicks ass but has flaws.
Can't stand Rose Tyler.

@avclub-6307a12d5c9e2fb5f23518a9a0ee8dd1:disqus : The good things I've heard about "Talons": Leela, who is awesome when she's not written as "hurr durr stoopid savage", and quasi-historical Victorian London. The bad things: White dudes in yellowface is, at best, never not awkward, and that rat. You'll know the one.

Surely if you're going to get any Transmet-related ink, you could just get a spider? Simple, elegant, and people who know the reference would get it right away.

I was thinking that one, actually! Although my avvy's from "Masque of Mandragora" (which is another one I'd like to get soon). "Seeds of Doom" would be a good one too, come to think…

The only remotely bad thing about this week's Community is that it gave me an acute hankering to go watch some classic Doctor Who. Good thing I have a few serials tucked away for just such a craving.

Oh, sucks to him.

Look, even though he can't have babies, he should still have the right to have babies.

Does it absolutely have to be a hammer? I'm lazy and not at all fond of wiping up teenager blood, so I was thinking a taser might prove just as effective but generate less mess.

Angry Aryan Eagles?

Truly, no matter who wins, we lose.

Vegas has a porn museum?

I say just let it out or you'll give yourself a serious medical problem.



A fine Limbaugh impersonation, @avclub-99b410aa504a6f67da128d333896ecd4:disqus  . I could feel the urge to punch you in the throat from beginning to end.

When I was like four years old, my parents put on Bambi, and when Bambi's mom was offed, I actually stormed out of the room. I wasn't sickened, though; I mainly remember being really, really pissed off by it. (I still think it was kind of a cheap way to grab sympathy.)

Walk it off, whiner.

"Just fill out this form here and submit your stool sample in the provided container and Jesus will get back to you with the results of your scan."