Queen Jane More Or Less

Not gonna lie, I was initially a bit skeptical; but you won me over at "fetus jump-kicking abortion doctor in the face".


Perhaps you jest, @avclub-fbca7c48c185890bd31f538b91ba5fbb:disqus , but I genuinely think that a Flaming Lips/"Weird Al" collaboration would be pretty neat.

1) 4
2) The rest

Time may Chang me/But I can't trace Time

I wonder if Muppeteers who had to work with Uncle Miltie got hazard pay. I mean, there's a non-zero chance you'd get a poke in the eye, or end up with long cylindrical bruises on your cheeks…

I've heard of Pasolini, but mainly in the context of Tom Baker's autobiography. He apparently showed his cock in Pasolini's adaptation of The Canterbury Tales, and his behind-the-scenes anecdotes are a hoot.

1. I'm pretty sure the more polite term is "little person".


I think a nice frilly shirt/velvet jacket/opera cloak thing like Jon Pertwee's Third Doctor could be made to look pretty rockin'.

Now I want a Fishmobaby Whirlimagig.


I suggest Cholmondeley, or Fotheringay.

Maybe posting the plot here was a subtle way to more precisely explain why this film is a total shitshow and not worth anyone's money?

I'm of two minds about Chris Brown. On the one hand, I really hope that at some point, he can stop and realize just what an obscenely awful thing he did, leading to introspection and real contrition. It wouldn't undo his crime, but it would prevent another from happening at his hands, and I'm always willing to allow

Or"..if Chris only said something that stupid", as though he'd probably follow up his line with a fist to her face and a "Nah, bitch, I'm just kidding".

You've been reading my fanfiction!?

"Ringo"? That's an awfully funny way to misspell "George", @alurin .

Did you just compare cunts to Jerry Lewis, sir? That's awful. They've actually brought pleasure to a lot of people, you know; they deserve far better.

Oh, I dunno, I think Kevin has his more flattering angles. There are no flattering angles for the dudes in the picture up top.