Queen Jane More Or Less

@avclub-64f027640f63616a277e92096313264f:disqus : But what if you're like me, and have no sack? Are we to be punched somewhere else, or will a sack suitable for pummeling be provided to us? If the latter, that's gonna run into money, and you know how people get about taxes these days.

…and barefaced flattery. But you're so strong and, well, just so super.

Warning, brosephs and brosephines: Cool Story ahead.

I want to see a link to this wondrous sight. I DEMAND IT!

I have several complaints about the film adaptation of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; Zooey Deschanel is merely one of them. (Dammit, people, she just can't act! It seems like I'm the only one who sees this, sometimes.) Like you, I never really felt that Arthur Dent particularly needed a Manic Astronaut Dream

Doctor? What doctor? Doctor who?

I rather like Dhani Harrison's work, for what it's worth. He also seems like a pretty cool dude.

He's my favorite! (The still's from "The Masque of Mandragora", one of my favorite stories.)

I dunno. While I've gotten the distinct impression that he did spend a few decades being the douchiest douche that ever douching well douched it up anywhere, anytime, it seems to me that he's pulled his head at least part of the way out of his ass.

But what about Emergency? Or Confusion?

I dunno. Somebody in that household had to give that kid their good sense (and good taste).

Yes, but how do the Lannisters figure into all this? I mean, the way the Greyjoys just sorta came out of left field and started wreckin' shit, man, I don't think anyone saw that coming.

Now, see, this is why I stick to holiday classics, like Bob Dylan's Christmas in the Heart.

I totally know this one! It's Christopher Eccleston, right?

Waaaait a minute. Three generations? As in consecutive? I won't dispute Joffrey, and you can make a great case for Tywin, I reckon, but out of Tyrion, Jaime and Cersei, which one of them's the sociopath?

Yeah. Zack clearly created a thing of blisteringly nasty beauty here by letting the hate flow through him. (And obviously, Spider Jerusalem would know a thing or three about that.)

What if I start giving you big sad about-to-cry eyes and ask pretty please with sugar on top? You can't see it, but that's totally what I'm doing now.

@avclub-789a283923884fb1c9598f796581a39d:disqus: "I don't mean to turn this into another call to reassess a much beloved
show, but Jason Alexander's embarrassing career post-'Seinfeld' is
enough to make one wonder what the public ever saw in the guy."

"Patting". On the "back".

As long as said bugs are of age and consenting, I can't see why there'd be any problem with it.