Queen Jane More Or Less

I for one absolutely adore Monstrous Regiment, and value it as highly on my personal favorites list as Night Watch. But it's definitely not for newcomers to the Discworld; I know I'dve been lost if, say, I hadn't been as familiar as I was with Vimes and the Watch, and the nature of Discworld gods, and the Discworld's

the Bob Dylan:
8 oz. Sipsmith Gin
8 oz. Cough syrup

The Flaming Lips:
8 oz. microbrew
8 oz. ice cream

Who'z a cute widdle victim of an extwatewwestwial pawasite? You is! Yes you is!

Liked not only because you make a good point but also because, unless I'm much mistaken (and I usually am! Wait, not. Am not) you used "iff" as in "if and only if", which is totally neato.

Wocka wocka!

Also, if the quote you supplied is any indicator, she has a gift for the pithy summary.

I learn something new every day I visit here.

I am not either racist! I don't have any black friends because I have no friends at all. So there!

Huge, powerful, shitting money…
HBO: The Tywin Lannister of networks?

I know almost nothing about comics, but I just started reading Transmetropolitan and, while I understand the individual terms "Warren Ellis" and "terrible", they seem to lose all meaning when placed immediately together. I…I just don't understand.

Alchemizables, guys. The alchemizable goods market is thriving. Now's the best time to get in.

You have an admirable amount of culture in you, Cheese.

You're forgetting the projected final two volumes, The Winds of Whipping and A Dream of Incest. Not quite classy enough for HBO, maybe, but I'm sure Cinemax would snap up the TV rights to those right away.

I'll get popcorn!

Horrible. Hilarious.

It was an AL-TV airing of a Bjork video ("I Miss You", probably 'cos it featured the work of John K.) that got me into her work, which helped lead me down the path of growing my own musical tastes. So I suppose I have "Weird Al" Yankovic to thank for my eventual discovery of the Flaming Lips, Talking Heads, David

Seriously. Ludwig brings up an excellent point—I'm not an actual music student, but I have just enough of an ear to know that Al and his band are second to none at note-perfect recreations of a specific song, capturing the general sound of an artist or group, and making their own music with its own sound.

Class of 20 C.E., woooo!

Mr. Clayton, Esq. makes a valid point, in that while it would be inaccurate to call Islam entirely non-violent, it's just as inaccurate (and the inaccuracy is often brought up in a disingenuous fashion by political talking heads) to claim that it's somehow especially or uniquely violent.