Queen Jane More Or Less

Aaaaaaand now it's stuck in mine.

Something involving fake flowers made of plastic. Of course, that's nothing you and UNIT haven't seen before, so at least there's the beginnings of a strategy in place to deal with it.

I defer to Agent Broyles' greater experience in the finer social intricacies of penis ownership and usage (seeing as I don't have one).

There are people who like Doc Martin? I mean, people who like it as entertainment, and not as a sleep aid? 

Pretty sure there's something in the Geneva Conventions specifically forbidding that. 

It's not gay if their dicks aren't touching, silly!

Remember that most of those deaths are in the last few minutes or so of the term, as it were. I think our two systems of government share a lot in common—they fret and fume and hem and haw and talk about doing a lot without actually getting around to much, and then bam! Come crunch time, it's swords out and bodies

I'll finish it if you don't want it. But then, I enjoy the taste of all those ten-dollar words and playful discursions. Seems like that places me in the minority among the commenters for this article, but oh well. 

I'm watching it right now, even as I goof off online

You are the opposite of Batman.

Y'know, maybe it does take a bit more effort, but I find that a more traditional, hand-administered crotch hammering is much more rewarding than the off-the-shelf, automatically produced variety.

> "Clitoris Clambake Surprise"

So what else is new?

I believe the implication is that Neil Young would ask for his blowjob in a more polite way. Didn't your mother teach you any blowjob manners?

I'd want Leela first. Not on account of sexiness, but mainly 'cos she's a total badass. She took down a Sontaran soldier with a throwing knife, f'rexample, if I'm remembering it correctly. That's pretty fucking awesome.

You know what, Archmage? Take her, with my blessing. Frankly, she only ever sort of annoyed me. 

I like the way you think, Tom Baker. We should get you together with Tom Baker sometime—y'know, just to shoot the breeze. I think you'd get along like a house on fire.

" If you’ve been good, maybe the Doctor will slide the TARDIS down your chimney and deliver DVD sets of them to you personally."

Excellent work—a fine evening's hate!

That's why he gets paid the big bucks!