Queen Jane More Or Less

Hooray! Again!


A thread up above would seem to indicate that he did. I certainly hope so—Tyrion Lannister is awesome.

I have a condition that forbids me from using five words as long as I could possibly use twenty-five and an unnecessary literary reference. It's called "being an English major" =P .

I puked in my mouth a little during Year One, too!

Mario "Pocket Full O' Roofies" Lopez is such a vapid bimbo that he thinks Beowulf is a kind of European car and The Tempest is the latest week-long "toxin-purging" diet.

Union guys? Unions!? Over here in Real America we don't tolerate that socialist foofaraw, Stephen F. Al-Qaeda!

I say this as someone who is hugely biased in a pro-Flaming Lips way, so take this how you will, but: Yes. God, yes. They're amazing. I'll recommend to you what a friend of mine recommended to me a few years ago—get either The Soft Bulletin or Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots. Either of those albums constitutes a good

I am intrigued by your post, Doralee, and wish to subscribe to your Wayne Coyne-fucking newsletter.

Flagged because you totally stole that pun from Groucho Marx.

At least nothing of value was lost, @avclub-07f3c2a5d4b1fcf824eb2d5554d8dce4:disqus .

What, both of them?

It's me! I'm 1 more person!

Actually, Rockrocky, let's not fuck Jay Leno, and forget anyone ever suggested it.

Don't be silly. Nobody's ever liked Denny's.

Counterpoint: A significant percentage of us are, in fact, chasing cock instead.

I got it.

I wouldn't call this the "worst", but I'm part of a LiveJournal community that recently brought up one of his weirder stories—something about an alternate universe of people-used-as-cattle. The creepy, "holy shit this dude has serious damn issues with women" subtext was still right there, but it was presented in a

Of course you are, Theon. You keep telling yourself that.

For what it's worth, Archmage, I didn't mean you any harm; I just don't want some other poor sap making the same terrible mistake I made.