Queen Jane More Or Less

Once upon a time, when I was but a wee Princess—settle in, this is a long 'un—I kept hearing Piers Anthony praised to the skies among my nerdier friends, particularly online—they called it some of the funniest fantasy stuff they'd ever read. Daunted by the sheer number of books he'd written, I held off on indulging my

…I see what you did there, Archmage. (I won't, by the way, but 10xp for the attempt.)

"Elmer Gantry was shitfaced. He was eloquently fucked up, lovingly and pugnaciously piss-pants plastered. He leaned against the bar of the Old Home fucking Sample Room, the most fucktacularly gilded and ass-rammingly urbane saloon in Cato mothershitting Missouri, and requested the bartender to damned well join him in

Whoops! Forgot to close my {/killjoypedantry} tag. Sorry, folks!

The Marx Brothers, including Chico, were German-Jewish, actually. He just adopted a (wildly inconsistent) Italian accent back when they were all up-and-coming vaudevillians and broad ethnic-accented comedy was considered hilarious.

I see no Halfman.

Oh god yes, the Tysha-related thing was just…in retrospect, it makes more sense than what we first learn about her, but that didn't make it any less shattering. Poor dude.

@Binky: I can't say with certainty what happened between them in the recording studio, but it's not out of the realm of possibility!

@Binky: Does "Under Pressure" by David Bowie and Queen count? Or are you thinking of something else?

Ah. It's just that Storm of Swords has such an awful lot of weddings, see.

"Worst comic"? Why, Cliuacru, that's a funny way to misspell "most awesome and hilarious comic on the internet".

Happy moment? If that other wedding's what I think you're referring to, wasn't it actually kind of awful for the groom and bride both? And the wedding night, too—heartbreakingly sad (especially for the groom, I think. Poor dude).

Well, yeah, that'll get people's attention…but I for one look forward to a much quieter scene near the end, with Tywin and Tyrion. Is it a spoiler to say that I consider that scene downright gut-wrenching?

@Meadow Enthusiast: I'll gladly chip in if they include some Bob Dylan covers in their set. It'll be fantastic.

Another fan of Gone Troppo? I thought I was utterly alone in this world. "Dream Away" is awesome, yes, and the title track and "Mystical One" are also personal favorites of mine.

@Sheltie: That's disgusting. Tyrion can do so much better than settling for Cersei.

@Hodor: "Hodor."

@El Zilcho: Your favorite characters are Tyrion, Arya and Danaerys? Either you have impeccable taste or we're the same person.

Only because you have excellent taste, Mrs. Peel. Although I, personally, would be just as happy with Tom Baker or perhaps Jon Pertwee…