Queen Jane More Or Less

Oh, I dunno. I always pictured Stannis as a scowly ol' fucker, and I seem to recall that Chris Eccleston does a fine scowl. I think casting him just might work.

I respectfully beg to differ. I find it difficult to imagine a choice of music that would more than marginally increase the attractiveness of the aforementioned gentlemen.

lol "spatchcock"

Well, dammit. Now I want TNG-styled "behind-the-scenes" posts in the Game of Thrones reviews. I for one would enjoy hearing about the extensive physical and psychological training required to truly understand the subtle complexities of Hodor…

Gendry, I think his name is.

You asked for things to look out for in future, right? We-ell, I'd say one of the best things about A Clash of Kings is (book 2 SPOILARZ AHEAD): just how much productive scheming Tyrion accomplishes despite very little support from a good portion of the court. Okay, that's partly because he's one of my favorite

Technically, my first Who as New Who—Ninth Doctor, the one where they're on a space station and the lady who's just a sheet of skin and Rose not doing much except being imperiled frequently, blah de blah. Given how thoroughly I grew to dislike Rose by the end of that season (haven't even seen any Tennant, because I

"You can whip a lemur's ass."

You may be just a guy on the internet, Guy On The Internet, but I like the way you think.

Don't forget waxing, which, um…also painfully rips the hair from your skin. Of course, I found that I got the best results out of waxing by first hating myself, and fun, and life.

…okay, for the *reviews* of The Cape. Like the AVClub coverage of the precipitous decline of Heroes, those reviews were pretty fantastic.

Man, you shoulda been here for The Cape.

Their motto: "The only thing missing is U!"

Oh, certainly. Harry, Sarah Jane and the Doctor had some of the best stories in the entire series (even considering Harry's unfortunate habit of calling Sarah Jane "old girl", heh). Given that there were so many excellent assistants throughout the series, I'd personally hesitate to settle on one Best Ever or Worst

Unfortunately, I don't believe she has a neutron flow.

It…it all makes sense now. It's all coming together.

He and Jon Pertwee had some of the best scenes in the entire series together.

"Crazy suspended", if I recall it correctly.

@Moosy: I remember reading in Chronicles Volume One that he'd had an accident that did something nasty to his hand. That said, I dunno what, if any, long-term effects that might've had on his ability to play.

I am…the Doctor!