Queen Jane More Or Less

While I admit that my username may suggest my slight pro-Dylan bias, I agree that "Rainy Day Women" is actually a very fun little track, loose and easygoing. That and "Absolutely Sweet Marie", which I consider evidence that even Bob Dylan's masturbation jokes are a cut above the rest.

@VanDerWerff: Speaking of the Left Behind books being awful *and* weblogs exploring Christian culture, I don't suppose you've ever heard of a weblog called slacktivist? The guy who writes for it, Fred Clark, has been slowly and methodically dissecting each book, explaining in a fascinating and sometimes hilarious

Does no one here have any grasp of proper seltzer-bottle technique?

And they smell like rotting beef carcasses!

I was gonna say something about that book myself! Even though there was one chapter full of mathematical things that went several miles over my head, it was still a fascinating examination of scientific racism. Really, Stephen Jay Gould was just awesome.

I'd also like to state for the record that I think Community is the very bestest.

I'm fairly new here myself (Hi, Eliminator Jr!), and I like to think that, with time and effort, I too can become an absolutely awful poster in my own special, inimitable fashion.

I would also love to see reviews of both "Blackadder" in general and the episode "Goodbyee" specifically for this feature. That would be awesome.

Four and Leela were pretty awesome, and I've always favored Four's stories with Romana I over Romana II. Most of the Four and Sarah Jane stories are also stone-cold classic. Also, I like most of Three's tenure, with few exceptions—he was my first classic-series Doctor, and I'll always have fond memories of that.

I'd go for this. I have fond memories of watching reruns of it on A&E. Good times.

"Only A Northern Song" would also be acceptable.

"Savoy Truffle" is correct, as is "Old Brown Shoe", "It's All Too Much" and "Piggies".

Maybe I'm just hopelessly naive
but are relationships really supposed to be a neverending juggling act of lies, machinations, double-crosses and related chicanery, all in the service of gotcha moments where you can say to the other party "HA! I CAUGHT YOU IN A LIE! I CAUGHT YOU! I WIN! I WIN! SUCK MY DICK, I

Bob Dylan.

@Father Ubu: You were barred from seeing the Flaming Lips? I'd be pissed off too under those circumstances.

For what it's worth, I'm twenty-five and have been fairly familiar with the work of the Marx Brothers since I was about twelve. (But then, I'd be the first to tell you I've never really been representative of my age group.) In fact, I kind of remember watching the 2003 parade for exactly that reason—"ooh, Marx

I got here as fast as I could, but the TARDIS' telepathic circ—

Duck Amuck is pretty awesome, yeah.

After an elaborate series of double-crosses, triple-crosses, and general sinister dealings, Tasha Robinson and Myles McNutt ran away with a briefcase containing thirty million dollars. They were last spotted in Prague, selling refurbished fax machines under the names Penelope Foofaraw and Montgomery

Well, yeah, but it's bullshit they think sounds authoritative and ominous and sobering 'n' shit. Maybe they get it by watching a random three minutes of South Park and extrapolating over all the rest of television?