Queen Jane More Or Less

Only adults like us are allowed to say "damn", "bitch", "ass", and "hell"! So get your hellin' damnin' ass back in that bitchin' damn room, dammit.

"Converse why…"
'…fighting cockos for progressive strife"


Not one of you mentioned entitilitus. I'm mildly astonished.

Are You Being Served was actually pretty good, I think, even though it was full of goofy double-entendres. Possibly because it was full of goofy double-entendres.

I thought Harold Ramis had farmed out the work of writing "Ghostbust3rs" to some other screenwriters or something. Or did I dream that?

I know most people don't read it when Tarky casts Wall Of Text, but I've found that if you do, you may find the occasional gem of a bizarre phrase. I have to find a way to use "lackadaisical hands" at some point in the future. It's like a lyric that should have been in a Blonde on Blonde-era Dylan song, but wasn't.

Sam "Mr. Personality" Worthington

I know him mainly as the guy who, in my opinion, took Ringo Starr's solo albums from "mediocre" down to "awful" until recently (with Liverpool 8 and Y Not).